By Bernt-Uwe Berwing & Markus Berwing GbR on Saturday, 17 December 2022
Posted in General Issues
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Hi there,

we are in final phase to complete our preparations for go-live of our new page with Joomla4 and latest available versions of EasySocial/EasyBlog and PayPlans.

Our issue:
Page updates on frontend are not working as expected while page creation is o.k.

For pages we have created a workflow in backend and we have three steps (tabs) with information to be provided by the user during page creation.
The page creation is working fine since the user is being navigated to the next steps by clicking the buttons on the bottom.

But when the user needs to update the page let's say on step 2 or 3, the user cannot do it in same way as during page creation process because when he/she clicks the button on the bottom right corner he/she will not be forwarded to next step/page but record will be saved for entire page and page is not longer accessible since any changes need to be approved by administrator.

This is very confusing for the user since he/she did not made any change as the change was expected on next step 2 or 3 only.

That means in order to avoid this from happening the user need to click directly on the step 2 or 3 on which he/she needs to perform a change. This is confusing and not user friendly.

It should work same way as during page creation process and user should be able to navigate through all steps and only at the very end the page should be saved !!!!

Best regards
Markus Berwing
Thanks for your input, the reason why we decided to show the update button on any of the steps during the page editing page is that we would like the user can easier to find the update button on the page if the user only wants to edit one specific field on specific steps.

The initial concept is to let users feel convenient to update their page from the editing page but it seems like this will cause another confusion from your site user point of view.

So I've helped you modify the code and helped you override these changes under the following file location, can you give it a test again and see if this behavior you are okay with it (the update button only appears on the last step)?

Monday, 19 December 2022 12:27
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Hi Arlex,

thanks for your great support. This is now much better.

Ideally there should be button on the bottom to navigate to next page - but at least we have now a solution instead of confusing users when they save on first section already and page is then not longer visible since it is being under moderating status.

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 03:25
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You are most welcome.

Just for your information, I have locked and marked this thread as resolved to avoid confusion in the future. Please start a new thread if you have any other issues in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiries.

Thanks for understanding.
Tuesday, 20 December 2022 10:36
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