By Stan Chomer on Thursday, 02 March 2017
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I wonder if EB/ES doesn't load JavaScripts on the site before the user chooses to share them? In this way to avoid the best possible way to limit external links to scripts that we can not control - cache and ETags.

Similar like this plg..2SCB plg
How does it work for EB/ES ?
Hey Stan,

I am a little bit lost here, may i know what is the issue when you trying to share something to your social network on Easyblog/Easysocial page?

Can you elaborate more details regarding this ?
Friday, 03 March 2017 12:36
0 Votes
Something like explained in the link

2 Clicks For More Privacy (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, XING and Google Plus)

Integrates social buttons privacy safe - buttons are not loaded until the user clicks on them. The plugin and the module is a result of the problems that the integrated buttons of known social services already transmit personal data, although they still has not been clicked. So the visitors can be identified by the transmitted session ID.

Also discussed here:
Friday, 17 March 2017 23:56
0 Votes
Hello Stan,

With EasyBlog 5.1, it'll have static social buttons that can be configured in EasyBlog. This static buttons, although not interactive as what those integrated buttons do, but it get's the job done, which is to allow users to quickly share your page without causing delays on the page
Friday, 17 March 2017 23:58
0 Votes

Have you looked at scripts like riot?

could that be interesting to use bcs its very compact. what you think?
Saturday, 01 April 2017 00:41
0 Votes
Hello Stan,

Riotjs is more of a framework and to be honest, to get frameworks like these to work on a Joomla environment is close to impossible. Even if it was possible, we'll take years to get it compatible with 3rd party templates and extensions.

For instance, the "Foundry" framework which is available on all of our extensions was a massive tweak over the past 4 years from all the problems we gather. Foundry was a fork of Javascript MVC. The idea and concept makes it a very good framework but it isn't practical in a world where hundreds of different modules / extensions co-exist on the same platform.

If EasyBlog was a standalone app that doesn't co-exists with other frameworks from other extensions, modules or templates, riotjs / angularjs / jmvc is definitely the way to go because it helps us write less codes while still maintaining the same set of functionality.

Also, another problem with these frameworks is their templating architecture. There will be a learning curve because the way the templates are populating these variables. No doubt, these templating architecture is the best because it can be blazing fast but to most web developers, these learning curves are not only time consuming, it costs money to learn.

Joomla is a php driven project and most of their templating architecture derives from PHP and we tend to keep it that way because automatically anyone would be familiar with our templating structure.
Saturday, 01 April 2017 12:41
0 Votes
Great to know Mark.

Another issue I see with many Joomla sites is the web font loading and problem speed and one thing I see is this also mention in this article about loosing speed of cdn loaded web fonts example Google web fonts etc.

See for example this article Avoid performance loss through webfonts

First of all people often simply load too many fonts and secondly, fonts delivered over the web from external source like Google Webfonts, Typekit,, etcetera, always require additional network connections, similar to the external connections required by social networks to display counter- and share buttons.

This could be something to consider and learn from about to improve speed of your Joomla site
Friday, 07 April 2017 14:53
0 Votes
Yep, this is why we try to not render any external fonts
Monday, 10 April 2017 13:36
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