By Antonio TOrres on Thursday, 11 August 2016
Posted in Technical Issues
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I have an issue with my Easyblog in my site
When I access to my Easy blog Main page, I don't have the full components in the latest/blog main page.
Hey Antonio,
After doing some investigating, I realize that your MijoSEF component is still registering your url to the old menu item that you have deleted. This caused several duplicate in the /blog url in MijoSEF and it will cause confusion since there are duplicate SEFs.
I already helped you delete those old records from your MijoSEF SEF url table. I would suggest you to purge all your SEF records and regenerating it after you make any changes in the menu item page. This is to make sure your site is getting the most accurate url. If not, some of your web pages would experience 404 error or loading the wrong page. Your blog page should now show all the modules that is assigned to that page.
Friday, 12 August 2016 18:04
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Hi Antonio,
By 'don't have the full components' do you mean modules that you assigned are not showing on the page?
If that is so, after investigating your site, it seems there are a few issues causing this.
First issue:
There are two similar menu items for your blog page. One under 'Aseguratemexico' and another under 'Navigation'. Both of these menu items contain the same alias, 'blog'. But, only one of them is the real menu item for your blog page, which is the one under 'Navigation'. To avoid future confusion, I suggest you to rename the alias of the blog menu item under 'Aseguratemexico' to something else.

Second issue:
It seems your cache system is not registering the changes I made to the site. For example, I tried changing templates or assigning modules to menu items but those changes are not applied to the site. After turning off your cache in Global Configuration and disabling two cache plugins in your Plugins page, I was able to see the changes applied immediately. Therefore, I recommend that you look into these cache configuration and see if you can improve it or just disable it if you wish to.
For now I have revert your cache configurations back to your original setting.

Third issue:
Regarding your template, it seems your Responsivizer template is assigned to the wrong blog menu item as mentioned above. I`m not sure which template you would like to use in your blog page. For now I have temporarily assigned AM_34 template to your blog page and configure a module to show on the left side.

I hoped these explanations helped you understand your issues regarding assigning modules. If you are not referring to modules, perhaps you can let me know what you meant by 'full components'.
Thursday, 11 August 2016 13:47
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Thank you so much. Your comments are very helpful. I have been working on my site.
I deleted the blog page under the Navigation menu. Now, I only have the Blog item under "Aseguratemexico". I also uninstalled one of my cache components (Jotcache), But I still keeping one cache pluggin (Cachecontrol)
I skipped the whole Easyblog component in this cache plugin (cachecontrol).
And related with the third issue. Yes I had a problem with my Responsivizer temple. But you kindly solved, and it´s working ok.

I still having problems (I guess with the cache). After your and my fixes. I only can view the category blog module in my Easyblog main page, but it is the one was on the deleted item under the navigation menu.

How can I clean or manage the cache to avoid that issue?
Friday, 12 August 2016 04:40
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Thank you so much
Your support is awesome
Saturday, 13 August 2016 01:28
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Hi there,

You are most welcome. Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved now.

As a gentle reminder, kindly start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiry. I will lock and mark this thread as resolved.
Saturday, 13 August 2016 10:56
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