By Jeff Kershner on Friday, 01 January 2016
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I just need a few tweaks and a few questions answered.

I was able to remove the font size and print on the listing view, but I can't seem to remove the font size and print icons at the top of a blog article:

At the bottom of the blog article (not on the side bar), I want to remove the "Recent posts."

On to the side bar...
How can I make my sidebar (aside) look better. I don't believe they are using my Rockettheme styles so I can't use those styles. Right now it looks like a mess.

Finally: I am brand new to blogging. What are your recommendations for a commenting system? I don't have to integrate with anything in particular but I would like the easiest way for my visitors to leave comments and not require them to have to log in. Should I use Disqus, facebook comments or your built in commenting system?

Hey Jeff,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is actually a public day off for us here. Please find my response to your inquiries below:

I was able to remove the font size and print on the listing view, but I can't seem to remove the font size and print icons at the top of a blog article:">

At the bottom of the blog article (not on the side bar), I want to remove the "Recent posts."

Did you upgraded from an older version of EasyBlog 5.x? All you need to do right now is to edit the categories on your site and re-save them.

On to the side bar...
How can I make my sidebar (aside) look better. I don't believe they are using my Rockettheme styles so I can't use those styles. Right now it looks like a mess.

The module styling which we apply on modules are very minimal because we want the styles to inherit from your Joomla template. It seems like only the search button looks a little out of place but you could add some css code to your template's css file to tweak this,

Finally: I am brand new to blogging. What are your recommendations for a commenting system? I don't have to integrate with anything in particular but I would like the easiest way for my visitors to leave comments and not require them to have to log in. Should I use Disqus, facebook comments or your built in commenting system?

You have several options and I believe Disqus still requires the user's to be logged in. If you want guests to be able to post comments without requiring them to login, you could try the built in comment system in EasyBlog or Komento which is our addon as well
Friday, 01 January 2016 17:05
0 Votes

I wasn't able to get the Font size or print icons to be removed inside an actual blog article. You mentioned that I should re-save the category but I don't know why this would change anything. I installed the latest EasyBlog on a fresh RocketTheme template so there was no upgrade.

I did remove the font size for the blog listing page located here (by telling EasyBlog to not show the font size or print icon in the EasyBlog->Settings->Layout->Listings tab):

But when I do the same for the EasyBlog->Settings->Layout->Post Options tab, it isn't removed from the top of the blog post as shown here:

Same issue with the Recent Posts under the Author section here:

That doesn't want to go away either!

You mentioned that I can still use my RocketTheme template classes with EasyBlog modules? Is that true? RocketTheme has a ton of good looking blog variations that I would love to use:

In order to use this, I need to set the classes in the module class suffix (for example "box1") but I don't get any ui changes. I verified in Chrome Developer Tools that this class is set.
Saturday, 02 January 2016 13:14
0 Votes
Hey Jeff,

I have re-saved the "Uncategorized" category and the font re-size is hidden now.

As for the module styling, it actually depends on the template because the HTML structure for our modules could be different but the module wrapper itself could be inheriting from your Joomla template.

The block variations from Rocket theme, seems like it needs to have a "g-content" wrapper in the module itself.

By the way, you need to add a "space" before the module class suffix otherwise the box1 get's appended to the class in the module. I have created a template override for the search module so that you can see how the HTML structure should actually be in /templates/rt_salient/html/mod_easyblogsearch/default.php
Saturday, 02 January 2016 13:59
0 Votes
EasyBlog->Settings->Layout->Post Options tab
that was the key I missed,
Wednesday, 20 June 2018 03:23
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You're welcome Gerald.

Just for your information, I have locked and marked this thread as resolved to avoid confusions in the future. Please start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiries.

Thanks for understanding
Wednesday, 20 June 2018 09:40
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