By Geoff Chapman on Monday, 04 November 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Since I upgraded to EasyBlog 3.9 the NavBar (toolbar, dashboard, or whatever you wish to call it) has disappeared from the Recent Blog Posts list. This means that the categories, profle links are not visible. To be precise it has disappeared for 'site visitors' who are not logged in. Logged in users see the navbar.

This was working perfectly prior to the upgrade, but not since. I have tried reinstall, de-install and then re-installing etc all without any change in behaviour. No configuration settings were changed immediately after the upgrade so it has to be the upgrade that has caused the problem.
I have since tried changing configuration settings and none of them make the slightest difference to the output display.

I am using the latest release (available from your download area).
That was indeed the problem. The setting was set to 'NO', hence it didn't display.
I didn't think to look at the ACL settings, and I do not recall seeing this change mentioned anywhere.

Anyway thank you, problem resolved.
Monday, 04 November 2013 23:41
0 Votes
Hello Geoff,

Ah, in the latest release we have actually added a new ACL for the toolbar. What you can do is to head on to the ACL section at the back end of EasyBlog and enable the toolbar for the selective groups. By the way, it should be enabled by default though.
Monday, 04 November 2013 22:53
0 Votes
Hello Geoff,

You are most welcome. Glad that your issue is solved.

Tuesday, 05 November 2013 00:41
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