By Supporter on Friday, 19 October 2018
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I am posting this under every component feature request in order to make stand out when you are working on each one.

Though all components are getting better and better there are still improvements needed to make it usable for professional users requesting more than "simple personal websites"

The harmonisation for
- achievement badges size, as for example some are 480x480 (ES) others are 64x72 (Komento) then these are distorted when displayed from component to component

- emojis, enable all emojis in every component and composer (and same size) emojis used 'here" should be correctly displayed "there".
- enable emojis to display in ES app like Komento emojis not displayed in user profile "Recent Comments"

- emails !!! use the same template for all email notification across all components please.
- emails, "island" style like the ones we receive from ES website is nice with logo INSIDE the "island"
- emails !!! some are just unreadable on mobile devices, use bigger font size !!!
- emails emojis are BIG compared to the text that is so small
- emails fully responsive

That's it for now, I have personal work waiting...
Wednesday, 14 November 2018 14:26
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Wednesday, 14 November 2018 14:27
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