By Leon Hart on Tuesday, 07 June 2016
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Good Afternoon

I am working on the multilingual part of our site and I have some concerns about how to set up the modules for example

1. If I create a login module and leave the language to ALL I would expect that to show in both english and spanish. The issue I have is that when displayed in Spanish the module shows english translations

2. If I create a module for top blogs I have a similar issue wheras top blogs in SPANISH are being shown in the ENGLISH pages

3. Also with the TOP blogs can I set the top blogs to show the blogs with the most hits and not comments?
Hello there,

Sorry for the delay of this reply.

1."If I create a login module and leave the language to ALL I would expect that to show in both english and spanish. The issue I have is that when displayed in Spanish the module shows english translations"

we have solve your issues by installing Spanish language in Easyblog and you can acces it at backend>component>easyblog>language and install your desired language. and it look fine now as you can see at this link

2."If I create a module for top blogs I have a similar issue wheras top blogs in SPANISH are being shown in the ENGLISH pages"

After we go through your systems, it actually a bug. we have replace the bug to your system and it work fine we have this line at this ..\modules\mod_easyblogtopblogs\helper.php php file.

3." Also with the TOP blogs can I set the top blogs to show the blogs with the most hits and not comments "

We have disable it for you at extension>modules>EasyBlogs - Top Blogs Module and disable comments count as shown at this link

Hope this help
Wednesday, 08 June 2016 15:54
0 Votes
1. Thanks thats excellent

2. Yes that works great

3. Thanks for this however it still doesnt display the top visits for example in spanish our top blog in Spanish is actually 10 Formas de hacer amigos cuando llegas a una ciudad nueva with 1051 hits however the top blog that shows is Qué hace que Inglaterra sea un gran lugar para estudiar Inglés with 169 visits

Thursday, 09 June 2016 15:46
0 Votes
Hi there,

It doesn't show top visits because EasyBlog - Top Blogs Module is used to show highest rating of the blog only.
To show highest visit is by enabling EasyBlog - Most Popular Post Module at extension>modules>EasyBlog - Most Popular Post Module, but i already enable it for you as shown at this screeenshot

Hope this Solve your problem
Thursday, 09 June 2016 16:18
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