By Abi on Thursday, 28 February 2019
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After a user is logged in, their profile is diplayed on the Left Hand Side within a mod-es-sidebar.

(1) Are there module positions in this side bar that I can use? Is mod-es-sibar a position that I can place a module in?
(2) I want to place an image or text immediately below the profile image, how can I do it? If I have to modify a php file, which one?
(3) If similarly I want to place an image or text immediately under the word 'Introduction' how can I do it?

(4) When a user is logged-in, a green dot is displayed on their profile image and a red one when they are not logged in. I'm not interested in their logged-in status but would like to similarly display different colours based on criteria that I choose. Which PHP files govern the display of the red/green dot?


(5) on the LHS the profile image is displayed? Then the user's name, then a tiny shield followed by profile-type and then achievements. I want to modify the display of the shield. One of my aims is to display a different image depending on the profile type.
Which php files display this shoeld?
Once again, thank you for all your great support
Hi there,

(1) Are there module positions in this side bar that I can use? Is mod-es-sibar a position that I can place a module in?

Mod-es-sidebar is the 'EasySocial Sidebar' Module. You can place other modules under this position 'es-sidebar' which is the same position as 'EasySocial Sidebar' Module.

(2) I want to place an image or text immediately below the profile image, how can I do it? If I have to modify a php file, which one?

You can copy the user.php file from JoomlaFolder/components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/helpers/cover/user.php and paste it at template override location which is at JoomlaFolder/templates/yourCurrentTemplate/html/com_easysocial/helpers/cover/user.php.

Then, you can start to modify it.

Take note that you need to create the folders manually if you don't see it.

(3) If similarly I want to place an image or text immediately under the word 'Introduction' how can I do it?

Can you provide us with some screenshot so that we can have a better understanding of your question?

(4) When a user is logged-in, a green dot is displayed on their profile image and a red one when they are not logged in. I'm not interested in their logged-in status but would like to similarly display different colours based on criteria that I choose. Which PHP files govern the display of the red/green dot?

You can copy the file from JoomlaFolder/components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/utilities/ and paste it at template override location which is at JoomlaFolder/templates/yourCurrentTemplate/html/com_easysocial/utilities/

Then, you can start to modify it.

Take note that you need to create the folders manually if you don't see it.

The reason that I asked you to modify the file which is in the template override location is because the changes that you made won't be override back when you update EasySocial to the next version.

Can you have a try and see how it goes?
Thursday, 28 February 2019 18:32
0 Votes
For your information, when I was trying to access your backend, it gave me the following error:

Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet.

Also, when I was trying to access your FTP, it gave me the following error:

Command: PASS ********
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
Thursday, 28 February 2019 18:35
0 Votes
Hi Irvin thanks for your guidance. I'll explore your various suggestions later today.

I attach a file to support questions 3 and 5. By the way I'm using the template Charm but your override advice is understood.

I deleted the test website that is why you could not login.

Thanks very much. Abi.
Thursday, 28 February 2019 19:15
0 Votes
Hi there

(5) on the LHS the profile image is displayed? Then the user's name, then a tiny shield followed by profile-type and then achievements. I want to modify the display of the shield. One of my aims is to display a different image depending on the profile type.
Which php files display this shoeld?

It is also the same file that I mentioned for your question 2. The following code is the code that renders the shield:

<i class="fa fa-shield-alt"></i>

(3) If similarly I want to place an image or text immediately under the word 'Introduction' how can I do it?

You can copy the profile.php file from JoomlaFolder/modules/mod_easysocial_sidebar/tmpl/profile.php and paste it at template override location which is at JoomlaFolder/templates/yourCurrentTemplate/html/mod_easysocial_sidebar/profile.php.

Then, you can start to modify it under the following code:

<?php echo $this->lib->html('widget.title', 'COM_EASYSOCIAL_USER_INTRO'); ?>

Take note that you need to create the folders manually if you don't see it.
Friday, 01 March 2019 11:11
0 Votes
Thank you very muck Irwin.
Sunday, 03 March 2019 07:03
0 Votes
Hi there,

You are most welcome. Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved now.

Just for your information, I have locked and marked this thread as resolved to avoid confusions in the future. Please start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiries.

Thanks for understanding.
Sunday, 03 March 2019 10:46
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