By ibrahim alaabed on Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Posted in General Issues
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after a test of migrating the articles from joomla to easyblog using the migrate feature in easyblog.
the articles migrated successfully but had a new links, so when deleting the old joomla articles after migration I have 2 choices:
1- to delete the joomla articles and then the old urls will be courupted.
2- to leave the old articles then will have a doublicated content ,

so I think its a copying feature not a migration because there is no redirectiobns added to redirect to old urls to the new one after migration.

is it there a solution to achive that autimatically.
The Joomla article migrator is just manage to migrate all the content to Easyblog extension, the article URL format have to manually build it base on your current Joomla article menu structure.

Perhaps you can share with us what is your Joomla article URL format so we will see if possible to manage to render back your previous article URL format?

Is it you already removed all the Joomla article on your site?
Wednesday, 13 November 2019 14:02
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