By Steven M on Tuesday, 25 October 2016
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Hi, I have used Stack Ideas products for several years now and are considering migrating a Jomsocial site to EasySocial.

Can you please advise me if there is a migration tool to complete this, and will it migrate all user profiles, images, albums and videos. It is also very important that discussion threads etc are imported.

Will the tool do these things?

Many thanks

Hey there,

It looks like your subscription has expired and in order for you to continue requesting for support, you will need an active subscription. If you have already renewed, please let us know so that we can correct this for your account.

Thank you for understanding.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 13:45
0 Votes
Hi, I am a current subscription for Easyblog.

This was not a request for EasySocial support, merely some questions that will help me decide if I will migrate my Jomsocial website to EasySocial. I am sure you would understand that I am not going to do that unless I can be assured that I can do those things in my question.

If these questions should be in a different forum, please advise me.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 15:58
0 Votes
Hi there,
Actually, there steps provided on how to migrate Jomsocial website to EasySocial on our documentations. But, you need a valid subscription and subscribed to EasySocial components in order to view them. Thanks for understandings.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 17:28
0 Votes
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately I don't understand.

I am not asking for details about how a migration is performed. I am only asking the following questions:
1. Will all user profiles be migrated. (yes or no)
2. Will all discussions threads be migrated. (yes or no)
3. Will all images, albums and videos be migrated. (yes or no)
4. Will all groups be migrated. (yes or no)

Basically, I just want to know that a lot of community contributed content will not be lost and will still be available in EasySocial if I migrate the website from JomSocial.

If the answer to the questions is "yes", then I am likely to purchase EasySocial. If the answer is "no" then I will stay with JomSocial. If I am given no answer, I am unlikely to spend the purchase price of EasySocial just so I can find out for myself - and if it turns out that it wont do these things, then I would of wasted my money.

As mentioned before, if there is somewhere else I should be asking these questions, can you please tell me where that is.

Many thanks.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 18:56
0 Votes
Hi there,

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

there steps provided on how to migrate Jomsocial website to EasySocial on our documentations

As stated above, yes we can migrate your jomsocial to our EasySocial. And we also provided documentations on how/steps to migrate your Jomsocial into EasySocial. In order to view this documentations, you need valid subscription on EasySocial.

Hope this helps.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016 19:30
0 Votes
Hi Steven,

I just came across your post and the rather unsatisfying answers to it. The answer from Warith "yes we can migrate your jomsocial to our EasySocial" still does not confirm that it can be done by any user. Sure a developer can do it if you ask for paid support. But have you been able to do it on your own?

Would be great if you could comment on this topic to provide a precise information because I am just in the same position you have been in before.

Thanks and regards,
Monday, 05 June 2017 00:11
0 Votes
Hi Uwe,

You can do it yourself and you are not required to be a Developer as you can migrate them on your backend.

Please advice.
Monday, 05 June 2017 10:12
0 Votes
I also have the same inquiry as SteveM and am a bit turned off at the reply he was given. The only reason I continued to read on is Steves kind rebuttal and My need to learn an answer. OMG Abdul , sounds like translation lost some kindness because I have been happy with customer service over the last 5+ years here. I
I guess the only reason I still search for a result is I am getting concerned with Jomsocial. after being a customer over there since 2009. Back in the Azule days when I also used JomSocials MyBlog tool. I now use Stackideas EasyBlog and abandoned Jomsocial Groups for part of my need to a forum version of EasyDiscuss.
I have some pre sales questions and have looked to forums for answers from peer users but they are outdated. I understand and appreciate the need for component authors to make forums private to enforce users subscriptions. It works great for every user to contribute $100 to the total development and offer a refund if not found useful but to force some one to give up the 60 hours of development manipulation to learn that EasySocial does not suit the need is too much to ask. Please dont miss the opportunity to gain trust in your product by offering some public discussion on this topic. Or to learn need of a market you have yet to capture.
Greg California USA RainbowRV . com
Friday, 01 September 2017 01:34
0 Votes
Hey Guys,

I would like to apologize on behalf of Warith as he was still a fresh member of the team and was under our training. It is certainly something which we need to review whenever we bring in new team members and I will personally take note of this.

Regarding the question posted by Steven, please find the answers below:

1. Will all user profiles be migrated. (yes or no)

Yes, every profile types in jomsocial will be migrated over.

2. Will all discussions threads be migrated. (yes or no)

Yes, they will be migrated over.

3. Will all images, albums and videos be migrated. (yes or no)

Yes, it will be migrated.

4. Will all groups be migrated. (yes or no)

Yes, all groups and events would be migrated as well.

Apart from the above, it will also migrate activity streams, friend connections, private messaging, user points over to EasySocial. If you ever need any assistance in migrating items over from jomsocial, please do let us know and we'll help you to migrate them over.
Friday, 01 September 2017 13:38
0 Votes
Cool Thanks. I truly like the idea of going total Stack'ed.

On my site, members/users sign up to events. we have two levels of events. Chapter Events which are just a Joomla Article and have onling payment and Kamp-Trip Events
the Jomsocial events package work well for the member/user self posted and organized KampTrip Events . We have been accustomed to the event display being more of an advertisement to the event .Stackidea Events landing page is busy with a great layout and many cool tools for member interaction.
1. ??? Is there a way to set up an event landing page so it looks less involved and more like the one we now use which is mostly article description.? log in under Judy / Judy and go to
Saturday, 02 September 2017 01:26
0 Votes
Hey Gregory,

Thanks for getting back to me on this and thank you for understanding. Based on what I am seeing at , this is actually possible with EasySocial.

You just need to configure the events to render the event details by default rather than rendering the time line, . Once you set the default tab to be the info about the event, this is what users are seeing when they first access the event page,
Saturday, 02 September 2017 15:34
0 Votes
Hi, I have used Stack Ideas products for several years now and are considering migrating a Jomsocial site to EasySocial.

Can you please advise me if there is a migration tool to complete this, and will it migrate all user profiles, images, albums and videos. It is also very important that discussion threads etc are imported.

Will the tool do these things?

Many thanks


I have a similar situation, only with a Joomla 3.x site that is running Jomsocial 4.7. We are planning to update Joomla to 4.x (and then 5.x), but we are also considering switching to EasySocial. If we update the core of the site to Joomla 4.x, can we then import the Jomsocial data from the old 3.x site to EasySocial on the 4.x site? It would make things much easier to do the Joomla update using JMigrator, which is great for migrating from J3.x to 4.x, but has no extensions to migrate either Jomsocial or EasySocial.

I'm also curious to know if we purchase EasySocial if you will do the migration for us and if there is a cost involved.

Saturday, 01 March 2025 02:51
0 Votes
Hi Vince,

if it helps, there are Migrators in the backend for going from Jomsocial to Easysocial.

Would it not be better to move to Joomla 5 so you are on the latest versions of everything?

Sunday, 02 March 2025 01:02
0 Votes
Hi Vince,

if it helps, there are Migrators in the backend for going from Jomsocial to Easysocial.

Would it not be better to move to Joomla 5 so you are on the latest versions of everything?


Are you saying that if we install EasySocial it has a built in migrator to bring JS over? Is it compatible with Joomla 3.x? I ask because it would seem to make sense to do the JS->ES migration first, then update Joomla to 4.x and then 5.x. We are only going to 4.x as an intermediary step. Or is a 3.x->5.x update just as easy? I've never done it that way.
Sunday, 02 March 2025 01:29
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