By loic on Friday, 09 May 2014
Posted in Technical Issues
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i am using easysocial since few month and i am satisfied and impressed by the fast improvement of your component. My website was previously using community builder and i wan now to migrate the 5000 users without erasing the new users or previous users that have manually migrate...

I have run the migrator on a test site and have some questions

for better understanding lets say that i have 3 sort of users
A : users that had an account before in CB and didn't connect last month
B : users that had an account before in CB and who have manually upgrade their easysocial profile last month
C : new users that have directly created their profile in easysocial

1 / a new profile is created (called community builder) and data are migrated from CB for old users (A) and also for the users B
Is there a way not to upgrade the previously manually upgraded fields for the users B (ex user have change their profile photo) ?

2 / i have recently created some custom fields in easysocial user profile (called particuliers) and they are not transfer for users B & C in the community builder profile during migration process

3 / after the migration process i have 2 profiles one with the migrated users A & B (called community builder) and one with the remaining users C (profile called particuliers) ... i can't leave the things like that...
is there a way to have all users in one profile ? or to manually assign fields from one profile to the other ?
I have tried to found something by sql but didn't achieve...

Hope you can help me
really would like to have again my all users data usable

thanks in advance

Hello Loic,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply.

1. I am sorry but currently when the CB migrator execute, it will migrate all your users from CB into ES irregardless if the users already in ES or not.
Ideally, you should migrate your users from CB into Es first before your users can edit their profile in ES

2. The CB migrator will only migrate the fields from CB into ES and not the other way around. Beside, the migrator will create new profile and all the users
migrated from CB will be associated with this CB profile.

3. What you can do is to move the users from one profile into another profile. But please do take note, during the profile movement, your users data might be lost due to different fields setup between different profiles.

Hope these help and have a nice day
Friday, 09 May 2014 18:59
0 Votes
hello sam
thanks for answers

1/ yes for sure but i had choose to use easysocial before CB migrator release (it was first far away in the roadmap) and now i am trying to save what can be saved...

2/ 3/ no way to transfert a field and his data from one profile to an other ?
the import/export data witch is plan in the roadmap will be able to help or not ??
3 / no way configure field in both profiles to be sure the data will not be lost ?
or to change parameter in database for fields to "manually move" them from one profile to an other ??

so better for me to forget migrating CB users in that case
Friday, 09 May 2014 19:09
0 Votes
Hi Loic,

2/ 3/ no way to transfert a field and his data from one profile to an other ?
the import/export data witch is plan in the roadmap will be able to help or not ??

If you added a new field in your ES profile, the CB migrator will not bring over data from CB into this field simply because in your CB, there is no such field Beside, CB migrator will always create new profile and it will not map into your existing ES profile.

3 / no way configure field in both profiles to be sure the data will not be lost ?
or to change parameter in database for fields to "manually move" them from one profile to an other ??

The way the user data stored in database are rather complicated in EasySocial ;( If you really want, after your CB migration completed, I can try and see if I can prepare some sql queries to manually plot over the user data from one profile into another profile

Please advise.

Hope this help and have a nice day
Friday, 09 May 2014 19:28
0 Votes
Hello sam,

i have prepared the CB Database (excluding new users that have manually migrated in past month to ES profile)
and run the migrator

that have worked nice

so as you propose, if you have time to try helping me to manually plot over the new users data from ES "particulier" profile into ES "community builder" profile that would be super great

thanks in advance
Monday, 12 May 2014 05:36
0 Votes
Hi Loic,

Thanks for the access details. Please allow me to take 1 or 2 working days to work on this one. Will update you again once I've the sql ready
Thanks again and have a nice day
Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:39
0 Votes
hello sam,
take your time, no problem

i have seen that there is some differences between how data are stored in some fields CB migrated and ES not migrated (spaces or no spaces between words for example)... i wonder if i'd to fix this before you start ? or maybe 'll be easier after ?

Is there a way to keep privacy settings from CB fields to ES ???

i'll be away from home for 2 weeks and it'll be difficult to assist you on this or to maintain test database updated with new registered users
could we let this migration on the side for the next 2 weeks ?

maybe that will let you the time to create the migration of ZipCode, Adress, City.... fields

let me know
thanks in advance
Thursday, 15 May 2014 14:36
0 Votes
Hi Loic,

i have seen that there is some differences between how data are stored in some fields CB migrated and ES not migrated (spaces or no spaces between words for example)... i wonder if i'd to fix this before you start ? or maybe 'll be easier after ?

Yeah you can fix the data before I proceed to move the users.

Is there a way to keep privacy settings from CB fields to ES ???

I am sorry but this is not possible at the moment Currently in ES, the fields privacy are shared with a common privacy rule, the 'core.view' rule.

i'll be away from home for 2 weeks and it'll be difficult to assist you on this or to maintain test database updated with new registered users
could we let this migration on the side for the next 2 weeks ?

Do not worry about that. As long I have the full access to your test site, then i will be fine Once I've completed the migration,
I will update you again in this post

Thanks and have a nice day!
Thursday, 15 May 2014 15:00
0 Votes
Hello sam,
No hurry, i just want to remind you
In case you have some times
Thanks in advance
Monday, 09 June 2014 05:11
0 Votes
hi sam,

I let the time goes on and now i just migrated my joomla to 3.4 and make some clean in database and module, components and so on...

now i want to look back to this subject (migrating my old CB users)
if you can help my on finalizing that : preparing some sql queries to manually plot over the user data from one profile into another profile as proposed before

Just tell me if you agree and can help in the next days
in that case i'll re-install test site with the CB database, do the user migration...

thanks in advance
Friday, 06 February 2015 14:27
0 Votes
Hi Loic,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply.

Regarding the CB migration that I previously proposed, I would be more than happy to assist you with the migration. However, due to the fact that we are all rushing with our development, I am quite tied down and is currently unable to assist our users with anything that falls outside of our support scope.

Should you wish for us to assist you with the migration, I'd suggest for you to write to our Marketing team via our CRM, they will process your request and forward it to the rightful person-in-charge

Hope this help and have a nice day
Friday, 06 February 2015 17:37
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