By Chaon on Friday, 19 March 2021
Posted in Technical Issues
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I would like to address an issue with the migration process as described on your documentation. I'm talking about migrating to another website through moving the eb database tables.
After importing the database on a fresh website there are some issues that in my opinion their walkthrough should be implemented in your documentation.
1. All posts are marked with category "ALL"
If you edit the post it shows the correct category and if you update it from the editor the issue is fixed but that's not a solution if you have a large amount of posts.
2. All of the posts are automatically connected to the admin account of the fresh website, so probably the documentation should guide users in case they want to have the same authors as they had on the old website.

Maybe adding one more migration option that allows to get Easyblog content from another website of your own would also be a great help for those cases.

Kind regards
Hm, not sure if I understand you here but the migration guide on our documentation is targeted to users who want to export everything as is from siteA to siteB.

You do not need to re-save the post for the category to get updated.
Saturday, 20 March 2021 23:10
0 Votes
Hey Mark,
I faced those issues myself.
Sunday, 21 March 2021 00:21
0 Votes

Hm, not sure if I understand you here. Do you mean you had to re-save the posts or?
Sunday, 21 March 2021 16:06
0 Votes
After trying to move my eb tables on a fresh website i faced the issues that i mentioned.
All posts were assigned to all category and were not visible on front end and there was the authors were gone.
Sunday, 21 March 2021 18:33
0 Votes
Hello Chaon,

Can you provide us with the access to the site that is having this issue so that we can take a look at the problem?
Sunday, 21 March 2021 23:57
0 Votes
Hello and sorry for my late reply.
I will try to move the database again and see if there is any error. I honestly though that this is the way things go when you move to a fresh site.
If you want to investigate let me know and i will give you the backend info. At the moment it's not a priority for me so i don't want to waste your time.
Saturday, 27 March 2021 01:38
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Hi Chaon,

May I know whether you did this before migrating EasyBlog tables?
Migrated all users from the original site into the new site. All user ids on the new site needs to be the same as the origin site
If user ids on the new site are not the same as the old site, the authors won't be mapped correctly.

If all the id number of users are the same as the old site, but you still experience mapping issue with categories and authors, do provide us the back-end and db access of the old and new site so we can investigate.
Monday, 29 March 2021 12:10
0 Votes
Hi Chaon,

May I know whether you did this before migrating EasyBlog tables?
Migrated all users from the original site into the new site. All user ids on the new site needs to be the same as the origin site
If user ids on the new site are not the same as the old site, the authors won't be mapped correctly.

If all the id number of users are the same as the old site, but you still experience mapping issue with categories and authors, do provide us the back-end and db access of the old and new site so we can investigate.

Hello i followed the documentation section for migrating and that is my point about not loosing the authors add some lines on the documentation on how to preserve the same authors like create new authors with same ids or migrate joomla users database as well.
I did not do that i supposed EB authors is a standalone table.

But my biggest issue as i mentioned is that there is no category for the posts. It doesn't display category.
On the screenshot that i attached you can see issue. The first 2 posts only are related to a category because i edited them and resaved.

Since this is a testing site where I'm trying to create a fresh site i can try to migrate the database again and see if there are any sql errors during the process.
Monday, 29 March 2021 16:47
0 Votes
Hey Chaon,

We will update the wording in the documentation to mention Joomla users.

For your category issue, once you have test the migration and still experience the issue, please provide the back-end and db access for both the old and new site.
Monday, 29 March 2021 17:26
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