By Andy on Tuesday, 04 February 2014
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As Super Admin I often have to go in and edit the blog post of my users to fix something or do something for them.... when images are involved I have to login as them in order to see their media manager folders - and that normally requires me to change their password which is a lot of hassle for them and me too.

So just wondered, could EasyBlog allow this: When a Super Admin edits a blog, their version of media manager would include their own folders plus the folders of the owner of the blog they are editing? So they'd have the ability for example to upload new images into the media folder of that user.

Thanks for considering!
Hello Andy,

This is not possible currently I am not too sure if we can fit this in EasyBlog 4 but we'll see if it's possible. No promises yet though.
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 22:29
0 Votes
Thanks Mark.... Don't mind at all if it goes on the EasyBlog 5 consideration list

Just thought it was a good improvement idea and that I'd suggest it. Ideas for improvements must be thin on the ground now you're so close to perfection
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 22:46
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Thanks for understanding Andy!
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 23:00
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