By Vincenzo on Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Posted in Technical Issues
Replies 1
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i would buy easydiscuss.
While i was triyng, i noticed that an user can change the reply of un another user.

For detail see the attachments (there is "edit" on the top-right side of both replies"

Last question: Is there a module or a script to create a ranking?

Hi Vincenzo,

Thanks for interesting on our Easydiscuss product

Opps, thanks for reporting, actually that is not a bug, you can actually change the ACL user permission from backend.

By the way, can you give it a try again from our demo site, the logged in registered user shouldn't able to edit other user reply now.

Last question: Is there a module or a script to create a ranking?

Can you elaborate more details regarding this question? Please advise.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015 00:50
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