By Michael Gisler on Saturday, 06 February 2016
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Dear Stackideas Team,
We've just started with Easyblog (we're about to switch from K2 to Easyblog for all our pages). There is an important freature - at least for us - missing, or we haven't figured out how this should work:

In K2, we could select "manual ordering" for categories and furthermore, K2 allows different orderings for any category. This doesn't seem to be the case here, right? Actually, it's the same request as this one:

Can you provide us any solution for that? Thank you very much and very best greetings from Switzerland.
Fabian & Michael
Hey Michael,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here. When you mean "manual ordering", do you mean you want the categories listing to respect the ordering that you set for each category at the back end?
Saturday, 06 February 2016 23:58
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

Thank you for your answer. Actually, you're pretty fast!

We're working with the "BT CONTENT SLIDER" module. Within this module, we've attributed an Easyblog-category and still within the module, we've selected "manual order". Unfortunately, we cannot change the article order (independently from the creation date) within an Easyblog category.

Therefore, it would be necessary to be able to select for all Easyblog categories different orderings (latest article, last modified or as mentioned manual ordering).
Target: independent orderings for every category including manual (basically the same feature as provided by Joomla or K2).

Thank you and best regards
Sunday, 07 February 2016 01:16
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Hey Michael,

We don't actually control this behavior as the module is not created by us. Have you contacted the author of the "BT Content Slider"?
Sunday, 07 February 2016 01:19
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Hi Mark,
Yes, that's clear "BT Content slider" only grabs the Easyblog articles and allows several different display methods such as "last published", "last modified" or as mentioned "manual order". But in order to be able to show a manual order of articles, Easyblog as the "source" should also provide this out-of-the-box. As you know, this is already part of the standard joomla core for their articles. In order to show you what I mean, i've attached a printscreen from the standard joomla article dashboard: Click on the "sorting" arrows and then move the articles with drag-drop to the desired position. Obviously this is not yet possible with Easyblog and maybe also several other users would really appreciate if this feature would be possible.

Thank you and best regards
Monday, 08 February 2016 01:14
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Hey Michael,

Ah, I see. Unfortunately right now we do not have such functionality on EasyBlog
Monday, 08 February 2016 22:58
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