By Julian on Friday, 20 February 2015
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Hi everybody,

I´d still like to se a redesign on the activity-stream. I didn´t hear somethign about it since a while, so I decidet to repost it.

Here is an example for how a kunena-Activity looks like at the moment:

This is what I think how it should look like:

The preview of the text could be a info-popup that opens on hover.
This saves about 60% of the space in the activity-stream and makes much more sense to me.

This kind of "concentrating information" could be done to plenty of activity-stream-items. For my opinion, the activity-stream is not very usefull ... the items take too mach space, but not giving much information and it is not easy to get an orientation on the stream right now.

What do you think about some changes here?

All the best, Julian!
Hello Julian,

Thanks for the heads up on this There is a lot of ideas being thrown around for EasySocial 1.4 and one of it is the design of the stream which we are going to revamp as well.
Friday, 20 February 2015 19:00
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

Please keep also "grouping" in mind:
When a user uploads a new avatar, he often "tests" different images. This leads into the situation 6-12 items "xxx uploadet a new avatar". Looks terrible, and I am alway deleting them manually.

A way to "mass-delete" activity-itemsl wou ld also make sense. I mean in the backend with checkmars. It takes a long time to delete 5 items, because of duplicates (by repeated upload of avatars).

All the best, Julian!
Monday, 23 February 2015 15:48
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Thanks for the heads up on this Julian
Monday, 23 February 2015 15:51
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Hi Mark,

3 months later I just want to remind you about this topic.
In the last weeks I was cleaning up a lot of stuff on my server, and I was looking in some backups. One was a JomSocial-Backup with Tigracon installed.

I would never like to switch back to Jomsocial: ES is so much more stable, so strong in developemnt and, maybe the most important point, has a GREAT support. But there are still some (small) things I am missing, and one of those is the design.
JomSocial alone is not really nice, but in combination with Tigracon I loved the design. ES is on the opposide: The design is rudimentary. Think about the following things:

Your Navbar is blue, there is no way to change that without css or hardcoding. Whatever page I create: When the navbar-blue does not match to rhe rest of the page, I have to turn it off.

The design of the whole activity-stream is also "fixed". I don´t find any templates to buy or anything.
And I don´t like the usability of the dashboard. I was totally confused for months, because I thought, the event-links on the left are directing to the event. But they aren´t: They are JUST the filter for the stream. However, most of my users also don´t realize it and think, they are "on the event" after they clicked on the filter.

There is too much options, to confusing to sort them, your "app"s section in the backend is overwhelming with details and countless amounts of apps.

This for my opinion is the weakest point on ES, and the activity-stream would be a good starting-point to get more structure into it.
My suggestion would be:

Create any kind of a framework or Api so others can build "templates for stream" or "templates for dashboard". This way you open the possibilities and others will provide ideas how it could look.

All the best, Julian!
Monday, 25 May 2015 11:18
0 Votes
Hello Julian,

Thank you for the kind feedback. Currently we are doing our best in ES 1.4 and will push forward to 2.0 with major revamp in ES design. Any idea or input are welcome in our easysocial voices page. Together we can make EasySocial better in the future.
Monday, 25 May 2015 13:22
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Hi Ezrul,

today Tigracon published theire new social network called iConnect.
I did like theire previeous design a lot (Trigracon for JomSocial). The Design for iConnect is still nice ... but not as nice as it was before.
However ... it is much, much, much more usefull then the ES-Design in the moment. So when you revamp the ES-Design please keep 2 things in mind:

1. Make something compact that is usefull for a quick information-overview. It is totally okay if you move most of the content to hover-it bubbles or something like that, each item should be clear and separated from other items. Also the activity-stream should be nicely fit into modules on the side with a small width.

2. Keep in mind, that users like to change design. In the moment, the ES-Design is VERY limited. It´s not even possible to make simple things like changing the color of the navigation-bar (without a good knowledge of the whole thing). The design should adopt much more the Joomla-Template (for example use the colors from the templates css) and then easily be changable. I would like a lot to see some commercial templates for haveing a complete different designed activity-stream.

All the best, Juilan!
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 07:39
0 Votes
Hello Julian.

Thanks for head ups. I will forward this suggestion to our developers and designers.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 10:38
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