By Tony on Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Posted in General Issues
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I'd like to fit better the Komento layout on my site but I need some informations/tips.

1- screenshot-1: I'd like to avoid the total number of the comments and the number of the comment. in which files can I work?

2- screenshot-2: I need to give the best important to the stars; so I'd like to place the stars rating at the left. Also I'd like to explain what is that Google symbol. It is enough if the Google field where to write the city was open without that the user have to click on the symbol.

3- is there a way to do the rating of the comment obligatory?

Thanks a lot
My best regards
Hi there,

Please find you inquiries below.

1- screenshot-1: I'd like to avoid the total number of the comments and the number of the comment. in which files can I work?

You have to do modifications on this file


//comment out this codes
<li class="kt-permalink-wrap" data-breadcrumb="·">
<a href="<?php echo $comment->getPermalink();?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('COM_KOMENTO_COMMENT_PERMALINK');?>">#<?php echo $comment->id;?></a>


//comment out this code
<div class="o-grid">
<div class="o-grid__cell o-grid__cell--center">
<h3 class="kt-comments-title"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KOMENTO_COMMENTS'); ?> (<span class="commentCounter" data-kt-counter><?php echo $commentCount; ?></span>)</h3>

<div class="o-grid__cell-auto-size o-grid__cell--center">
<?php if ($this->config->get('enable_ratings')) { ?>
<?php echo $this->output('site/ratings/overall'); ?>
<?php } ?>

2- screenshot-2: I need to give the best important to the stars; so I'd like to place the stars rating at the left. Also I'd like to explain what is that Google symbol. It is enough if the Google field where to write the city was open without that the user have to click on the symbol.

You can do modifications on this file .../components/com_komento/themes/wireframe/form/default.php

3- is there a way to do the rating of the comment obligatory?

You have to do modifications on this files.

Please advice.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 18:21
0 Votes
1- I've removed the permalink. About the number of the comments the file you told me is not the right one. It is for the number of comments of "Leave your comment" that I had already removed.
2- ok, done it
3- I have not been able to find a way on your files. Could you tell me some tips, please?
many thanks
Thursday, 26 January 2017 15:37
0 Votes
Hi there,

About the number of the comments the file you told me is not the right one. It is for the number of comments of "Leave your comment" that I had already removed.

It should be working fine, if you are using wireframe theme, for your komento and others theme axcept 'Elegant' themes as it have it own structure. You have to do modifications on file below. Please give it a try and see how it goes.


//remove/comment out this line of code
<div class="o-grid__cell o-grid__cell--center">
<h3 class="kt-comments-title"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KOMENTO_COMMENTS'); ?> (<span class="commentCounter" data-kt-counter><?php echo $commentCount; ?></span>)</h3>

3- I have not been able to find a way on your files. Could you tell me some tips, please?

Actually, it requires heavy modifications, as you have set those 'Ratings' to required. You have to create new functions, to call 'requiredRatings', as you can see on this file ../administrator/components/com_komento/includes/komento as you can see under commentify() functions. Please advice.
Thursday, 26 January 2017 16:08
0 Votes
1- ok, fixed
3-it is very hard for me. I'm going to work on future. Maybe you could put it on your todo list.

I'm sorry, but now, I'd like to ask for an issue on stars tool tips.
I see that there is not the translation of the tooltip: gorgeus, good, regular, poor, bad, cancel this rating!
Is it a way to have a MultiLanguage system on the stars tooltips too?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Friday, 27 January 2017 16:35
0 Votes
Hello Tony,

Hm, yeah you are right it looks like we didn't add the hints in the js file. Temporarily, this is what you can do, download the attached file and upload it into /components/com_komento/themes/wireframe/ratings/form.js

Then, edit the file and update the values of the hints
Friday, 27 January 2017 18:43
0 Votes
this fix only for the Komento form and, obviously, only for one language. The issue is also on the Komento list and on the total rating.
You said "Temporary" so I suppose you are going to publish some other patches, also to have the tooltip on MultiLanguage.
Thanks a lot
Friday, 27 January 2017 20:23
0 Votes
Hello Tony,

Yes, that is correct. We will be releasing a new version of Komento to address these tooltip issues.
Saturday, 28 January 2017 15:41
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