By Rampagerabbit on Thursday, 05 December 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Hi guys

How do I get it to update the language file in EasySocial admin 'Language' page. I have done about 23% extra translations over the last two days for the Danish language. When I go to the back end I see this 24% 2013-11-26 09:05:36. How can I get this updated? I have downloaded the installer and full version of ES again but it didn't help to get that updated.

Also where do I individual upload fx. the plugin langauge file ( (Fields) plg-fields-user-separator) to on my site if I just have one little change I need to make? Been looking to were those are hidding at


I have updated the languages on the server, you need to purge the cache on your site and re-discover the language files again
Thursday, 05 December 2013 10:22
0 Votes
Thanks Mark.

How offend is this been updated, and is there a way we can do it ourselves to make sure we have the up to date language file at all time? If I make a change to a language file that is not the main site language file, but to a plugin or module. Then I would have to wait for you guys to update it first, or can I do something so it will take affect there and then?

Thursday, 05 December 2013 20:29
0 Votes
hey rampagerabbit,
unfortunately as a translator or user we can't do something manually here, we have to rely on the stackideas team to do the updates.
while that seems to be a little frustrating at first and has probably technical reasons there also might be other good reasons for this: if everyone having easysocial installed can force the changes which leads to build new packages and so on you can imagine what kind of trouble / conflicts can happen when different people at the same time would try to re-build it.
I think the real pain is that there are 70 files that nobody wants to download / rename / upload manually. if it would be only a handful like it is at the other extensions then we probably wouldn't care about the language updates that much at all and do it our own whenever we need it
Friday, 06 December 2013 00:10
0 Votes
Hi Alex

Thanks for the update.. It make sense not to be able to update this ourselves as you say, it would put a huge load on every thing .. Is just a shame is not somehow possible to make a small change to some language file, and then be able to see the corrected result on the site thereafter, but have to wait till the database has been updated.

Btw do someone know where I go about finding the plugin & app languages files on once own web server? I can find most of the files, but Apps and plugin language files I cannot seem to locate on the server... Is just if I want to make a small change on my site language, to 'customize' my site language a bit, and not the one stored on Transiflex server.

Friday, 06 December 2013 01:20
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the files for apps and fields are at yourjoomla/administrator/language/yourlanguage

to find a particular string I'm working with a local copy on my mac where I let sublime search through all the language files automatically. that way you don't have to open and check different files manually - and when the change looks good on local I commit them at git and then sync them back to the online version.
perhaps someone knows a different way but that works for me
Friday, 06 December 2013 01:34
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Thanks for sharing Alex
Friday, 06 December 2013 01:39
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