By alexmartin on Thursday, 09 January 2014
Posted in General Issues
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Love kommento. Is is possible to have comment not Under article but Right of article. I need it on the one particular page. Not on all pages. I am using Rockettheme.
I made an experiment with article and poistioned that article with Rockettheme tabs. THe conetnt of the article is displayed but comments are not displayed.

I tried to use your Module. But the problem is it only displays comments and no button to add a comment on the module.
The issue i have is how to position comments right of the video content like on this page:

??? is it possible with paid version?

I'm sorry but currently it is not possible unless the template itself changes the position of the trigger. Komento relies on Joomla Content trigger to load itself, and usually the content trigger is outputted below an article. It is only possible through template changes.
Thursday, 09 January 2014 11:20
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