Actually it integrates. I can see this code in Hiikkashop product view template (see at the bottom "komento"). And Hikashop developers say in one of their changelogs that Komento can now be used.
<div class="hikashop_external_comments" id="hikashop_external_comments" style="clear:both">
if($this->config->get('comments_feature') == 'jcomments') {
$comments = HIKASHOP_ROOT . 'components' . DS . 'com_jcomments' . DS . 'jcomments.php';
if(file_exists($comments)) {
require_once ($comments);
if(hikashop_getCID('product_id') != $this->product->product_id && isset($this->product->main->product_name)) {
$product_id = $this->product->main->product_id;
$product_name = $this->product->main->product_name;
} else {
$product_id = $this->product->product_id;
$product_name = $this->product->product_name;
echo JComments::showComments($product_id, 'com_hikashop', $product_name);
} elseif($this->config->get('comments_feature') == 'jomcomment') {
$comments = HIKASHOP_ROOT . 'plugins' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'jom_comment_bot.php';
if(file_exists($comments)) {
require_once ($comments);
if(hikashop_getCID('product_id') != $this->product->product_id && isset($this->product->main->product_name))
$product_id = $this->product->main->product_id;
$product_id = $this->product->product_id;
echo jomcomment($product_id, 'com_hikashop');
} elseif($this->config->get('comments_feature') == 'komento') {
$comments = HIKASHOP_ROOT . 'components' . DS . 'com_komento' . DS . 'bootstrap.php';
if(file_exists($comments)) {
require_once ($comments);
echo KT::commentify('com_hikashop', $this->product, array('params' => ''));
With that being said, I understand that is probably not possible to show comments put below an Hikashop products via a module (because indeed Hikashop is not fully integrated on your side), but I have 2 other questions.
is possible to show the number of total ratings sent through comments somewhere on the same page where the Komento comment form is being loaded, maybe using a small snippet of code?
is possible in some cases to load the Komento comment form and already inserted comments via a module?
thank you
btw the forum has some issues, if I post a long text and the BBcode buttons are not in view, If I scroll to the top to click one of them to apply some styling to the text, no BBcode tag is being applied. I had the same issue on my site and you fixed it, it seems the same is happening here.