By Niccolo Angeli on Thursday, 31 May 2018
Posted in Pre Sales
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I wonder if is possible to show the number of total ratings sent through comments somewhere on the page where Komento is being loaded, maybe using a small snippet of code.
I'd like to use Komento to gather Hikashop reviews, showing the number of reviews and average rating near the product title (this would be in the same page where Komento comments are loaded, it's just that they are loaded at the bottom).
Sorry for these questions, but your forum/documentation being reserved to paid clients, I have no other way to understand if the extension really fits my needs

Thank you
Hey Niccolo,

I am really sorry that i given wrong information in your previous ticket because I did tried in my locally, it seems like the current Komento version unable to integrate with Hikashop yet but as long as it did integrate with Hikashop extension, that Komento comment module can achieve it as what you described to me from your previous ticket.

You can refer on this thread ->

Perhaps you can contact with this Hikashop developer regarding this and see how it goes.
Friday, 01 June 2018 10:47
0 Votes
Actually it integrates. I can see this code in Hiikkashop product view template (see at the bottom "komento"). And Hikashop developers say in one of their changelogs that Komento can now be used.

<div class="hikashop_external_comments" id="hikashop_external_comments" style="clear:both">
if($this->config->get('comments_feature') == 'jcomments') {
$comments = HIKASHOP_ROOT . 'components' . DS . 'com_jcomments' . DS . 'jcomments.php';
if(file_exists($comments)) {
require_once ($comments);
if(hikashop_getCID('product_id') != $this->product->product_id && isset($this->product->main->product_name)) {
$product_id = $this->product->main->product_id;
$product_name = $this->product->main->product_name;
} else {
$product_id = $this->product->product_id;
$product_name = $this->product->product_name;
echo JComments::showComments($product_id, 'com_hikashop', $product_name);
} elseif($this->config->get('comments_feature') == 'jomcomment') {
$comments = HIKASHOP_ROOT . 'plugins' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'jom_comment_bot.php';
if(file_exists($comments)) {
require_once ($comments);
if(hikashop_getCID('product_id') != $this->product->product_id && isset($this->product->main->product_name))
$product_id = $this->product->main->product_id;
$product_id = $this->product->product_id;
echo jomcomment($product_id, 'com_hikashop');
} elseif($this->config->get('comments_feature') == 'komento') {
$comments = HIKASHOP_ROOT . 'components' . DS . 'com_komento' . DS . 'bootstrap.php';
if(file_exists($comments)) {
require_once ($comments);
echo KT::commentify('com_hikashop', $this->product, array('params' => ''));

With that being said, I understand that is probably not possible to show comments put below an Hikashop products via a module (because indeed Hikashop is not fully integrated on your side), but I have 2 other questions.

is possible to show the number of total ratings sent through comments somewhere on the same page where the Komento comment form is being loaded, maybe using a small snippet of code?

is possible in some cases to load the Komento comment form and already inserted comments via a module?

thank you

btw the forum has some issues, if I post a long text and the BBcode buttons are not in view, If I scroll to the top to click one of them to apply some styling to the text, no BBcode tag is being applied. I had the same issue on my site and you fixed it, it seems the same is happening here.
Friday, 01 June 2018 15:42
0 Votes
Glad to know now they already made Komento can integrated with Hikashop.

is possible to show the number of total ratings sent through comments somewhere on the same page where the Komento comment form is being loaded, maybe using a small snippet of code?

Do you mean you would like to show rated average value beside the product title? e.g. (imagine that is hikashop product title)
If yes, that is possible but have to customise it.

is possible in some cases to load the Komento comment form and already inserted comments via a module?

I am a little bit lost here, do you mean you would like to load Komento comment form in certain place?
Friday, 01 June 2018 17:08
0 Votes
Do you mean you would like to show rated average value beside the product title? e.g. (imagine that is hikashop product title)
If yes, that is possible but have to customise it.

Yes, I was just wondering if with a small snippet of code this is possible. Glad it is... will ask for code suggestion once pirchased

I am a little bit lost here, do you mean you would like to load Komento comment form in certain place?

I'd prefer to load komento modules in all my site, because this way I can choose to which users show the module. I ahve a pretty complex site with many subscriptions and need to give users the possibility to comment certain content only if they have a subscription. Thi is not possible just using the ACL settings of Komento as far as I see, because in some places I need comment form accessible to everyone, in some other places I need it reserved to certain users.

This is possible using extensions like Advanced Module Manager and Conditional Content, but I woudl need to load Komento form via a module.

Thank you
Friday, 01 June 2018 17:30
0 Votes
I'd prefer to load komento modules in all my site, because this way I can choose to which users show the module. I ahve a pretty complex site with many subscriptions and need to give users the possibility to comment certain content only if they have a subscription. Thi is not possible just using the ACL settings of Komento as far as I see, because in some places I need comment form accessible to everyone, in some other places I need it reserved to certain users.

This is possible using extensions like Advanced Module Manager and Conditional Content, but I woudl need to load Komento form via a module.

Hm, unfortunately that was not possible to load the Komento comment form like a module on the site is because how it actually render Komento comment form on the page is rely on those 3rd party component whether they allow event trigger or not .

For example :
Joomla article - they allow 3rd party plugin to trigger these event -> onContentAfterTitle, onContentBeforeDisplay, onContentAfterDisplay on single article page, so our Komento content plugin can able to trigger these available event provided from Joomla, then we can able to trigger those event for render the Komento comment form HTML code into article page.
Friday, 01 June 2018 17:45
0 Votes
I see... maybe this could be achieved by disabling Koment for some Joomla categories and then forcing it to load in those categories using Components Everywhere (, thsi would allow to load Komento thriough Component Everywhere inside a module that can be then hidden to certain users...
well, I gues I'll have to buy and test, I don't want to keep you here forever

Thanks for all the answers!
Friday, 01 June 2018 20:52
0 Votes
You are most welcome Niccolo
Friday, 01 June 2018 22:09
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