By Sebastian Pigge on Wednesday, 07 December 2016
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When loading a page with Komento I get this error:
GET 404 (category not found)

It seems that clean.png just doesn't exist? Where can I find this file? I can't even download Komento anymore to get this file. I purchased Komento professional Edition in August 2015, and installed it in July 2016 - project just didn't kick off. Since then we've had 1 comment - I really wish this thing was A LOT cheaper / free as I can't see paying $35 again on this again. Why is there no 'basic free version' that can still be used to integrate with other applications, but has a limit of for example 10 posts per day?

Hello Sebastian,

I am not entirely sure which build are you running but we don't actually render that file any longer. To be frank, paying for the subscription is not just about getting the latest version. By purchasing a subscription, you are:

1. Ensuring that the product is maintained by professionals

2. Ensuring that you get the latest and greatest updates

3. Ensuring that you get your support if you ever encounter any problems with the extension.

Does any of your employer only pays you once and expect you to work for him for the rest of your life? I doubt anyone would agree to that. Think about it as this is exactly what you are portraying to us as you only want to pay once and we should be updating the software for the entire lifespan of the product for you.

Furthermore, Komento is only priced at $45 / year and with the discount today, you only pay $31.50 and that is probably only $2.62 / month. That is hardly anywhere near a meal's cost for you.
Thursday, 08 December 2016 00:39
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

Installed is version 2.0.5.
On my profile here it says 'v2.0.12. I presume that was the version number when the license expired?

Regarding your points:
1. Yes, but based on your system - I paid to get access to downloads for 12 months. After that I can't even re-download the software I paid for...
2. In theory great, but the recipe module I use (YooRecipes) will no longer be supported, as such an upgrade to Komento V3 will not be possible for example - so I don't benefit from updates.
3. That's what I care about most - I'm quite surprised the forum is still open to me. Some vendors turn their doors on one completely so that not even the community can assist.

Unfortunately I paid $35 for 4 months of usage and 1 comment. I don't expect many comments to be made on the website and the comments will in no way provide me with ways to make money. They are just to enhance a recipe extension that didn't have an integrated ratings module.

Is it possible to download an old version (i.e. within my license) and just copy the clean.png file / not have that error come up anymore if that's the case after 2.0.5.

Thursday, 08 December 2016 01:55
0 Votes

1. Yes, but based on your system - I paid to get access to downloads for 12 months. After that I can't even re-download the software I paid for...

I don't see what is wrong with this to be honest. As mentioned in my reply above, you are paying for the subscription to enjoy benefits downloading the software.

Once your subscription runs out, you would not be able to enjoy this service. As long as you have already downloaded the software which was downloaded from our site into your computer, it should work even if your subscription expires. I think this is a pretty fair usage policy and business model.

2. In theory great, but the recipe module I use (YooRecipes) will no longer be supported, as such an upgrade to Komento V3 will not be possible for example - so I don't benefit from updates.

In my opinion the only reason that Yoorecipe decides to stop supporting their software is simply because it is not sustainable. Take a moment to think about it, if the owner of Yoorecipe get's enough revenue to maintain it's software, do you think it will stop supporting their extension?

3. That's what I care about most - I'm quite surprised the forum is still open to me. Some vendors turn their doors on one completely so that not even the community can assist.

As long as you are not posting questions to request for support, we are still here
Thursday, 08 December 2016 02:12
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