By Ewoud on Wednesday, 06 November 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Hi guys,

After reading the article at I decided to buy the component and see if it is something I can use at one of my sites, in this case After a couple of hours of playing and testing it looks like it is much and much more then I had expected. Maybe the Blog in EasyBlog always kept me away from trying it. Also K2 is still the most widely accepted and used cck as a replacement for the default Joomla articles system (I think). But EasyBlog looks really fresh, clean and simple to use and has so many configuration settings and also the themes are endless (with the Professional package). So it looks like I am going to take the plunge and give it a go. Before I do that, I have a few questions.

1. The migration tool for k2 articles including the default image works great from what I have tested so far. But I have many articles that have a slideshow of images as is a news website for gaming. The slideshow is being produced with the extension Simple Image Gallery Pro which is integrated in K2 in my website. Is it possible to migrate those slideshows too? If not, can you add that in the (near) future to the migration tool?

2. I was already using Komento for the comments section of the website, but EasyBlog has it's own comment system. What is suggested to use as the comment system in this case?

3. Is it correct that I should define all image sizes in the Media settings and Themes settings before I start migrating? Because it looks like when I change the image sizes in the settings afterwards, it doesn't change the image size in the frontend anymore. I am a bit anxious about this, because sometimes after some time you get to the conclusion that you want to change a few things because the current settings do not work as thought in the beginning.

Maybe I have a few more questions later (which cannot be found it the forums), but these are the ones I have at the moment.

Best regards,

Hello Vreugdenhil,

1. The migration tool for k2 articles including the default image works great from what I have tested so far. But I have many articles that have a slideshow of images as is a news website for gaming. The slideshow is being produced with the extension Simple Image Gallery Pro which is integrated in K2 in my website. Is it possible to migrate those slideshows too? If not, can you add that in the (near) future to the migration tool?

I'm sorry but we do not have a migrator to migrate form Simple Image Gallery from K2, I will discuss it with the developer and will consider to include this feature in the future but at this moment I could not promise you.

2. I was already using Komento for the comments section of the website, but EasyBlog has it's own comment system. What is suggested to use as the comment system in this case?

Komento works well this EasyBlog, Just integrate them to keep using Komento's commenting system. Check the link for more information
Link -->

3. Is it correct that I should define all image sizes in the Media settings and Themes settings before I start migrating? Because it looks like when I change the image sizes in the settings afterwards, it doesn't change the image size in the frontend anymore. I am a bit anxious about this, because sometimes after some time you get to the conclusion that you want to change a few things because the current settings do not work as thought in the beginning.

You could change the image in your backend -> component -> easyblog -> themes -> blog image tabs
When images is uploaded they will be 2 images, the original image and thumbnail, original image could be change accordingly, but thumbnail is according to uploads.

Hope that helps,

Wednesday, 06 November 2013 13:45
0 Votes
Hi Khairul,

Thanks for your reply.

1. Great, hopefully you can convince them to add Simple Image Gallery to the migration tool

2. I already knew that it can be integrated. The question was more what you guys would advice. But I did some more testing and Komento has much more options. So for me that works better I think.

3. What I actually meant is that when I set for example the frontpage dimensions to 140x100 and next year I change this to 250x200, then the images that have already been uploaded and used before I change it to 250x200, the dimensions of those blog posts stay at 140x100 and only new image uploads and blog posts will have 250x200. Is it correct that it works like that? That is what you mean with the thumbnail?

Wednesday, 06 November 2013 16:08
0 Votes
Hello Vreugdenhil,

3. What I actually meant is that when I set for example the frontpage dimensions to 140x100 and next year I change this to 250x200, then the images that have already been uploaded and used before I change it to 250x200, the dimensions of those blog posts stay at 140x100 and only new image uploads and blog posts will have 250x200. Is it correct that it works like that? That is what you mean with the thumbnail?

I'm sorry for the confusion earlier, yes your dimension will not be changed unless if you use the feature clean images on the top left corner *depends on your joomla version* this will set all your previous uploads to follows the dimensions you have recently set.
screenshoot -->

Hope that helps:)

Wednesday, 06 November 2013 18:04
0 Votes
I didn't notice that option before and it does exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks for the answers and keep up the good work.

Wednesday, 06 November 2013 20:23
0 Votes

You are most welcome. Glad that your issue is solved.

Thursday, 07 November 2013 00:34
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