By Emilio Navas on Friday, 09 December 2016
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Good morning!
I am trying to upgrade today my subscription to the Pro Bundle. Excited to put all your extensions in my project!! :-)

I have one final question about it.
My site is about Hong Kong. Will be a directory with news for expatriates and potential tourist. One of the main pieces will be JReviews for the city guide. Now I think will be great to add a forum system and some social capabilities as well :-)

I am checking the compatibility of Stackideas extensions and JReviews and I found some informations, but mostly outdated. (I think) My mainly questions are:

- Can I integrate your profile user system to use with JReviews?
- Can I use Komento as comments system in the JReviews listing?
- Do you know any special issue with the layout or any other incompatibility between both products?
- Do you know any of your users that have this combination of extensions to check his/her page as showcase? (This will be very useful to me)

This other one is about the template...
- How works your extensions with Joomlart templates (Actually for Teline V template)

Thank you very much! Sorry if I write too much questions...
Waiting for your answer to go ahead and start just today to test!

You and your extensions rocks!!!
Best regards,
Hello Emilio,

Please find my response to your inquiries below:

- Can I integrate your profile user system to use with JReviews?

I believe you should direct this question with JReviews since they are the one that wrote JReviews However, what I could see from customer sites is that it is possible but to be sure, please check with JReviews first.

- Can I use Komento as comments system in the JReviews listing?

From what I can see, JReviews uses articles on their item pages and since articles would trigger content plugins, I believe Komento should work fine out of the box.

- Do you know any special issue with the layout or any other incompatibility between both products?

There is some teething integration issues with EasySocial 2.0 when it was initially launched but I believe it has already been resolved now.

- Do you know any of your users that have this combination of extensions to check his/her page as showcase? (This will be very useful to me)

Sorry but to protect our customers, we cannot disclose their site to you unless those on our showcase pages.

- How works your extensions with Joomlart templates (Actually for Teline V template)

Most templates should work fine out of the box
Friday, 09 December 2016 12:43
0 Votes
Thank you very much for al the answers!
I will try to talk with JReviews team (Only your team beat them about support) ;-) and go on!!
I am very exciting about integrate all the Stackideas product in my new project!!

Best regards,
Friday, 09 December 2016 12:49
0 Votes
You're most welcome Emilio

Keep us update if you need any further assistance in the future.
Friday, 09 December 2016 18:17
0 Votes
EasySocial and jReviews work just great together. I am still building my site so I can not give any live link but you can see this inside the settings of jReviews:

There are even apps for EasySocial from jReviews so see new listings, new reviews and comments from jReviews inside the EasySocial stream.

For anything related to jReviews I would suggest asking over there, because their support is amazing and very helpful as well.
Friday, 09 December 2016 18:41
0 Votes
Thanks Sabih!
I go in so I hope we can share our experience with both incredible extensions!!

And You are right. For me, anyone as Mark and Alejandro to help with any kind of problem.
Friday, 09 December 2016 19:47
0 Votes
Sure Emilio, jReviews is incredible but to be honest I did not know about one fact that my whole concept based on. jReviews listings have no history like native Joomla articles. That means if you want your users to be able to edit listings, their modifications made can not be reversed. Once a user edits a listing, you can only reject the listing or accept it while rejecting means deletion of that listing. I was hoping as an administrator to be able to reload an old version of that listing out of a history.

Of course it depends on the kind of project you are planning if this is a negative point or does not even matter.
Friday, 09 December 2016 21:08
0 Votes
Good point that I didn't know!
Mainly I will use to make the City Guide so this part I will create by myself, but I am planning to add restaurants and hotels as payed listings so is something to take in mind.

Now I am checking how to make the puzzle to add social integration and maybe a forum for travelers and classifieds. I will try to use the Komento comments instead of the JReviews as look more solid and with extra functions but not sure yet if will be easy to do.
The rest is fighting with the Layout. I am using Teline V of Joomlart but is very heavy and not standard so I am thinking to change to another one. What is the template that you are using?
Friday, 09 December 2016 21:26
0 Votes
There is no problem as long as you are the one adding new content into jReviews as listings or as long as you got nothing like a directory which people can complete time after time each listing.

I have no experience with jReviews in combination with Komento but probably Komento will be a good choice compared to the built in one.

What is the template that you are using?

I am using Gantry5 templates. Buying a template with lifetime support which is very cheap at Rocketthemes with a great support compared to club memberships of other providers where you get no more updates without a club membership. At Rocketthemes you get lifetime updates for 49$ per template and they often have discounts up to 50% so it is 24$ for a template with lifetime updates and support.

In most cases I pick the templates and delete anything premade in it and build it up again with only basic configuration because I need the support and updates, not the fancy stuff like sliders. That makes it very fast and Gantry5 is very powerful and comfortable in its handling.
Friday, 09 December 2016 21:42
0 Votes
Just found this one here:
Saturday, 10 December 2016 00:15
0 Votes
Thanks for sharing this Sabih
Saturday, 10 December 2016 14:35
0 Votes
@Emilio (et. al./anyone else looking into JReviews+Easy.x):

Not sure what is most appropriate on this Forum/how best to go about communicating, but I have a JReviews site in development that is using the full suite of StackIdeas products as the focal/centerpiece/backbone to complement the review aspect.

I'd love to have a Group Chat thing somehow for us to compare notes on this combo (JReviews+StackIdeas).

Let me know if you would like to open a more direct line of communication or if there is a mechanism I haven't realized for conversing on this here on EasyDiscuss, but in the early goings here most if not all of these combinations are going exceedingly well - this is a great combination for a very powerful community driven site imo
Wednesday, 14 December 2016 18:39
0 Votes
Hi John and all the people interested on this topic.
I think you had a great idea. I don't know if we can a thread with this topic specifically or find other way to share our knowledge, tests and try-error adventures.
Let's see what the people of Stackideas think about it.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016 22:47
0 Votes
I always wanted to start a slack group / skype group for our customers to interact but being paranoid about it because eventually people would use it as a "support thread" and it's not going to be good.

For a start, why don't create a post under This category is unmoderated / unmonitored, so you can feel free to chat there without disrupting our support flow.
Thursday, 15 December 2016 23:40
0 Votes
Guys, only noticed this thread, but if it helps I have been using JReviews (with all their addons) and all Stackideas products (ES/EB/ED/K) for over a year on a live, complex multi-component site with 2000+ listings without any problems and JReviews is integrated with EasySocial and Komento.

There are always one or two initial minor setting/css/override adjustments to be made depending on template and other components. but the speed and quality of support from Mark, Alejandro and their teams is outstanding (the benchmark for everyone else) and any issues are resolved very quickly.

I use the Joomlart Uber template and may switch to JA Builder in 2017 if it proves to be a perfect update for Uber.

The main piece of advice i would give is be careful of JReviews/Komento duplication in page load (for example jquery library or location if using GeoMaps Addon) and if using a tabbed layout (as i do) set Reviews up as a tab, not after the tabbed content, so that Reviews appear inside the tabbed area and Komento Comments below the tabbed area.

When designing your layout, take your time to plan ahead, think 'mobile first' and set out the structure of your content in a way that is easily suitable for mobile (all JReviews/Stackideas products are responsive, but make life easier for yourself by taking this approach).

In summary, absolutely no regrets in using Komento or any SI product with JReviews and there are enough links to my site through other posts if you need any examples.

Ref Komento 3, I just updated today and need to play around with the settings a little but at first glance the only issue is the BBCode icons are not showing on the layout below JReviews listings (perfectly fine below EasyBlog posts) and it is probably something unique to my site that can be fixed by adjusting the settings in the JReviews configuration. I will raise it with Alejandro after the Christmas holidays if I cannot correct it.

Hopefully the above is useful for you.
Saturday, 24 December 2016 11:13
0 Votes
Hi Richard!
Incredible and useful information to me! Thanks a lot.
I think I have similar configuration of yours. I am still in the design step and playing around and thinking how to place all in order.
All the components are incredibly powerful and complex so need to find the right way to show nice to the users.

I will check it out your web if I can find the link around. I am using Elegant theme even I have an active subscription to Joomlart as for me their templates are very heavy to load and I am looking for a very clean interface.
Maybe I will change my mind soon, looking forward for JA Builder too.

Fell free to check my webpage in progress with your expert eyes. ;-)

Keep in contact!
Saturday, 24 December 2016 11:29
0 Votes
Hi Emilio,

If you click on my icon any of my recent completed posts will have a link in the thread and my posts in the JReviews forum may be helpful for you as well, as they cover issues in the whole 8 month planning stage before getting to a layout and process that was tailored to the community.

It may or may not be a process and layout you wish to follow (all sites are different and JReviews is extremely flexible in content and how to show it), but take your time, make a list of every piece of information you intend to place in a listing, the different ways to want to show and group listings,the components/modules/plugins you need and do not need to build a picture of what is suitable for you.

The first layout never works and it will take time to refine it and get to the best option.
Saturday, 24 December 2016 12:15
0 Votes
A little comment on Richard's statement above. In Komento 3.0, it no longers render the javascript library with jQuery by default so you could expect massive performance improvements with Komento and JReviews

For sites that doesn't have jQuery loaded in Joomla, they could then opt to render jQuery from within Komento
Saturday, 24 December 2016 16:37
0 Votes
Thank you Mark, you just solved the BB Code icon issue i had in Komento 3 on a JReviews listing.

I have JQuery disabled in the JReviews configuration (not the JQuery UI) due to a conflict (can't remember what it was at the moment, but it wasn't EasySocial or Komento related), so need to load JQuery from witihn Komento and everything works perfectly.

The speed is very good too.
Saturday, 24 December 2016 19:56
0 Votes
Thanks for updating this Richard
Saturday, 24 December 2016 20:16
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