By Beth Mens on Saturday, 18 January 2014
Posted in General Issues
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I run a couple of different courses through Joomla, and use the Komento extension to facilitate commenting. A new cohort will be starting a course in early February and its easy to disable the comments from the previous cohort, but I'd rather clean them out of Komento (but avoid deleting them).
Any help would be appreciated!
Hello Bev,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.
Correct me if i getting wrong meaning of your first post, do you mean that export all the komento comment then you would like to clean all the comment from your component?
If yes, actually that is not possible export the comment from Komento to Excel or another type of document, but you can just export the tables of prefix_komento_comments from your phpmyadmin, after you clean all the comment from your component, then you import back "tables of prefix_komento_comments" in your database.
Notice* : Remember when you do this before backup all your data from your database.
Saturday, 18 January 2014 12:51
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