By Sean Carney on Thursday, 27 March 2014
Posted in Technical Issues
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The EasyDiscuss - Recent Discussions on my homepage at does not have any padding around the image to separate it from the Title or the text. This module is in position grid9. I have the EasyDiscuss - Categories module in grid 11 on the same row and it looks nicely spaced. I also put EasyDiscuss - Most Likes Discussions on in grid10 and it was looking nice until I upgraded it to the latest and then it stopped displaying anything.

So, I guess first question is whether the Recent Discussions is supposed to have more formatting or if we are supposed to use our css overrides to format it how we want?
Next Question is about whether the Most Likes module is working properly. I have created a few discussions and then Liked them all so I expected it would be working.

Thank you,
Sean Carney
Hello Sean,

I am sorry for the late reply.
I have configure your recent discussion module and most liked discussion module. Please have a look. Screenshot: .

For recent discussion module, I have recompile your style sheet; in which recently you have upgraded Easydiscuss.

For most liked discussion module, you need to specify which category do you want to post. I have setting for you category (id: 1)Miscellaneous and (id: 2)Dining.

If you have anymore question, please don't hesitate to ask us.
Hope this will help.
Thursday, 27 March 2014 11:35
0 Votes
Hi Sean,

I already inspected your side, and I noticed that the space between thumbnails and content for Recent Discussion module and Discussion Categories aren't same.

I already put the fixed code at the bottom of this CSS file: /templates/motion/css/custom.css as below:
div.discuss-mod.recent-discussions .item-avatar
margin-right: 10px;
Hope this will help, please let us know if you need further assistance
Thursday, 27 March 2014 11:39
0 Votes
Hello Mohd and Ikram,
I am thankful to both of you for helping me. At this point I am wondering if you could let me know if the edits in custom.css are still needed?
I am thinking you might have both worked on my problem at the same time?
I guess I was in for a double blessing? :-)
Thursday, 27 March 2014 11:57
0 Votes
Also I was hoping to have Recent AND Most Like both use ALL my categories. Is that possible?
Thursday, 27 March 2014 11:59
0 Votes
Hello Sean,

my homepage at does not have any padding around the image to separate it from the Title or the text
Is this issue have been solved?

And about:
Also I was hoping to have Recent AND Most Like both use ALL my categories. Is that possible?
I am sorry, but if I understand this well, what do you meant are both
Recent Discussion Module takes all the categories
Most Liked Discussion Module takes all the categories.
If yes, Recent Discussion Module, already have the setting to select all categories, but Most Liked Discussion Module, you need to manually add category id here. Screenshot: . You need to put all your categories id manually.
If no, please do explain more.

Hope this will help.
Thursday, 27 March 2014 12:44
0 Votes
Thank you for showing that to me. I have added all the categories. It would be nice if this Most Liked Module could one day have options added to it like the Recent Discussions module so that these settings could be done by the pull down menus. :-)
I appreciate your help on this!
Sean Carney
Thursday, 27 March 2014 23:27
0 Votes
In case this question got missed about whether I still need to have the custom.css changes. To test it I commented them out and the site appears to look correct so I believe that the module fixes from Mohd took care of everything and the custom.css edit is no longer needed?
Thank you for all your work to make my site GREAT! :-)
Thursday, 27 March 2014 23:32
0 Votes
Hello Sean,

Thanks for getting back to us. Regarding:
Most Liked Module could one day have options added to it like the Recent Discussions module so that these settings could be done by the pull down menus.
I will put this request in the list of future request if agreed by the developer team. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Anyhow, I have tried to double confirm back this issues but unfortunately you have already remove our access to your site. You can do it yourself by remove the code in custom.css > Save > then go to Easydiscuss > Layout > General > in theme tab > Compile Stylesheet > choose Cache > Test Compile Stylesheets > (admin, site, module) > Test compile (do this for all 3 stylesheet)

After that,

Go to Easydiscuss dashboard > clear cache > then go to Joomla site > clear Joomla cache > try reload page

If the issues gone, then you do not need the code (Change back the Easydiscuss setting compile stylesheet to off, then done,
else you need to put back the code and compile back the stylesheet.

If you encounter problem or do not know how to do this, please do provide us back the backend and ftp access.
Please be advise.
Friday, 28 March 2014 11:02
0 Votes
I was able to follow your instructions. All is well. I did not need the custom.css changes anymore.
Also, as a last step I also removed the cache on the local browser. :-)
thanks for your help. this seems resolved to me!
Friday, 28 March 2014 23:09
0 Votes
Hello Sean Carney,

You're welcome, glad to heard your issues resolved.
Have a nice weekend !
Saturday, 29 March 2014 10:02
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