By David Judah on Friday, 01 November 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Hi there,

I just saw you have advanced the integration in EasyBlog with EasySocial comments, they now appear at the comments counter at the front page (well done!). I just noticed one thing, when I make a comment, my comment is not added to the stream? Is this a bug?
Hello David,

Not sure if I understand you here. It currently doesn't generate a stream item if you post a comment in the blog It would be flooding your stream if we actually generate a stream item every time a comment is posted
Friday, 01 November 2013 20:34
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But that happens with EasyBlog comments? Also, it doesn't appear on my own Timeline!
Friday, 01 November 2013 21:08
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It wouldn't really flood the stream unless you had an extremely busy site. At the moment the stream just gets flooded with profile updates and new registrations anyway :P Also, I thought that's what the aggregation feature was supposed to deal with anyway? And David is correct. That is what happens right now if you use the built in EB comments, so why not have it with the ES comment system too?

In fact, couldn't we have comments made on the blog post added to the stream as comments to the blog item on the stream?

New blog is posted and it gets added to the ES stream (A).
User comments on the actual blog post and the comment gets added to the stream as a comment to A.
User comments on A and it gets added as a comment to the actual blog post.

That would be real integration and was what I was expecting from two products made by the same guys
Friday, 01 November 2013 21:25
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After thinking about it a bit I think Mark has a point. If a community is large it would be irrelevant information. On the same hand, I do think that it should appear on my Dashboard and timeline. Isn't it important for the users friends to know that he/she made a comment? therefore, promoting the blog post as well?

I think it is worth considering
Friday, 01 November 2013 22:11
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Maybe yeh, but lets be realistic, most community sites won't really be on a facebook scale, and if my suggestion above was considered, all of the comments would show up under the blog item on the stream, not a new item on the stream for every new comment.

I would really like this option and those that don't can just turn it off as with most things.
Friday, 01 November 2013 23:38
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It's kinda like inception where you post a comment using EasySocial's comment integration with EasyBlog, it generates a stream and when someone posts a comment on the stream, it then links it back to the comments on the original blog post :x

But perhaps it would make sense that the EasySocial comment integrations with EasyBlog should also generate a stream when a new user posts a comment. I will add this as a configuration in EasyBlog
Friday, 01 November 2013 23:56
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