By Cory Gregory on Friday, 08 January 2016
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I have a membership based site with 2000+ subscribers. (It also runs EasyBlog.) When I installed EasySocial, the app took over user configuration, particularly User Login/Logout redirecting my users to raw EasySocial pages. I need to install, and configure, EasySocial on this live site but out of view of current registered users and without affecting their experience.

Is there installation settings that allow me to setup EasySocial without it redirecting users to unexpected EasySocial pages?

Thanks in advance

Hey Rob,

I am not too sure if I understand you here. The EasyBlog app for EasySocial doesn't handle any login / logout. All it does is to populate the stream items for EasySocial.

Can you please elaborate more on the following items please?

1. How can I reproduce this issue?

2. Please provide us with the access to your site to check on this.
Friday, 08 January 2016 12:04
0 Votes
Thanks Mark,

First, I mentioned EasyBlog only to let you know that component is already installed on my site.

-My website has monthly paid subscribers.
-They logon to content-restricted areas using conventional Joomla user group access privileges
-I have set up user menus that navigate logged in users to their membership profile, payment history, logout etc.

Objective for EasySocial on my website...
-I want EasySocial to be available in the restricted-content members area of my website.
-I want my logged in members to navigate to the community area of EasySocial without needing to log on a second time.
-I want those registered users to be able to "join" the EasySocial community on my website.
-IMPORTANT: I want my members to log out of the members-only area via the User menu I have already set up.

The problem I encountered.....
-After installing EasySocial, when members tried to log out, they were redirected to the default EasySocial user page. This was a problem. I need to set up, and test, the component before I make it live to my members.

The website URL is
I have since uninstalled EasySocial until I figure out how to install and configure it without the component redirecting.
Friday, 08 January 2016 21:10
0 Votes
Hey Cory,

Thanks for getting back to me on this. Hm, based on your explanation here, I believe the system plugin "System - EasySocial" is performing the redirects that causes the user to go to an EasySocial page when the user logs out.

What you could do is to edit the plugin and disable the option highlighted here,
Saturday, 09 January 2016 13:12
0 Votes
Thanks. I hope the plugin is the source of the issue. It sure appears that way. I appreciate the fast responses.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 01:31
0 Votes
You are most welcome Glad that your issues are resolved now.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 11:41
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