By Rounds on Wednesday, 26 February 2014
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Good afternoon.....first off, I have been trying out the beta version and love it. I was just installing RC1 on a beta site......however, I cannot get past Step 4 / 75% "Initializing Privacy settings". I updated my error reporting and turned it off. I have also increased the max_post / max_xyz sizes. Interestingly, I have another test site on the same dedicated server......however, it did install on that system. Please let me know if you know of any known conflicts which could create the problem I am seeing. Many thanks as always......Rounds

1. Please post beta/rc related enquires in our issues platform instead of our forum.

2. If you are upgrading from beta, then please run this sql statement before installing:

delete from prefix_social_config where type in ('dbversion', 'scriptversion');

Make sure to replace prefix with your database table prefix.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014 15:07
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