By EDV Support on Thursday, 11 August 2022
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Hello Support,
we want to set the infinity template like seen at the demo site. There are a few small differences on the Blog Frontpage. Can you tell us what else we need to adjust?

Our testing site:
Demo site:

1. The top edge of the post image is not in line with the top edge of the right modules
2. The post has no white background and frame around as in the demo
3. The corners of the picture are not rounded at the top. You can't see the bottom corners.
4. Module does not have white background too.

We tried over now for several times, but can't find something to change anymore…

Thank you and best regard
Hi there,

I am sorry for the delay in this reply. Please find my answers to your inquiries below.

1. The top edge of the post image is not in line with the top edge of the right modules

For your information, our demo site is still rocking EasyBlog version 5.4, hence there might be a slight difference in layout between version 5.4.x and 6.x when using this template.

I can confirm that the alignment is different due to additional styling in EasyBlog 6.x that causes the container to be pushed slightly down. I will log this down first into the issue tracker and hopefully, our template developer will be able to do something about it in the next version.

2. The post has no white background and frame around as in the demo

3. The corners of the picture are not rounded at the top. You can't see the bottom corners.

This is similar to issue (1), but the issue is directly related to the Infinity template itself. I will log this down as well.

4. The module does not have white background too.

Hmm, I cannot seems to replicate the issue here from my end. Refer to my screenshot here taken from your site, Am I missing something here?
Friday, 12 August 2022 12:52
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