By T.W. van Urk on Thursday, 03 March 2016
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I have two questions about Image captions:

When I give an image a caption, it is show both below the thumbnail and of course in the popup Image. However, a caption of a (long) sentence is not orderly because it doesn't fit properly beneath a thumbnail. Especially when shown at smaller devices (tablet or phone)
Isn't it possibe to add a supplemental option to show the caption only at the popup, and not beneath the thumbnail?
It seems to me this must be possible isn't it?

Can captions be added to the images in a thumbnails block? I need this option very urgent. Every single thumbnail has already an indivudal option for image popup, so can my wish added too?
I also would like this option to a galley, but I guess in that case it is much more difficult to realize it.

Kind regards, T.W. van Urk
Hi T.W van Urk,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply. Please find my answers from your inquiries below.

Isn't it possibe to add a supplemental option to show the caption only at the popup, and not beneath the thumbnail? It seems to me this must be possible isn't it?

It is possible but it require some extra time for us to implement it as adding a new option within the block is not an easy task currently. For a quick hack to hide the caption underneath the image thumbnail, you can try to apply the following css code inside your custom.css file and see how it goes.
div#fd.eb .eb-image-caption>span {
display: none !important;

Can captions be added to the images in a thumbnails block? I need this option very urgent. Every single thumbnail has already an indivudal option for image popup, so can my wish added too?
I also would like this option to a galley, but I guess in that case it is much more difficult to realize it.

We will consider this but please take your time to submit this idea into our EasyBlog voices page so that it will be easier for our developers to grab this idea and implement it in the future release of easyblog.
Thursday, 03 March 2016 12:19
0 Votes
Hi Ezrul,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have tried your suggestion. Unfortunally, it does not work. The caption in the popup photo is also dissappeared.

Further, your suggestion is not a complete solution. In some cases, I have a big photo without popup. In that case, the caption has indeed to be showed !! So, it must be an individual option per photo!

I have added my wishes to the voices list. Maybe you can give it attention in your next release.
Do you have already planned an Easyblog 5.1 ??

Kind regards, T.W. van Urk
Friday, 04 March 2016 04:21
0 Votes
Hi T.W van Urk,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply.

Hm, I just tested it locally and the caption inside the photo popup is not missing as it should be. Perhaps it was caused by some conflict with your current templates hence the code will not work.

Nevertheless, thanks a lot for your voices! Perhaps you can include the voice link in this thread reply so that it will be easier for other user to access your voice item.
Friday, 04 March 2016 17:08
0 Votes
Hi Ezrul,

Hmmm... no idea about the malfunction by me. I am using the Rockettheme Gantry framework with Xenon template.

This are my wishes in the voicelist:

Option for enable/disable image captions beneath thumbnail

Caption added to photos in a thumbnails block

@ the Easyblog users with the same needs: Please vote at my voices. We need this options very urgent !!!

Kind regards, T.W. van Urk
Friday, 04 March 2016 17:18
0 Votes
Hi there,

Can you provide us with your Joomla backend and FTP access instead so I can figure out the correct css code for your thumbnail caption issue?
Friday, 04 March 2016 18:15
0 Votes
Ok, I have filled in my site details.

However, my (concept) site is Dutch, but I think for the try out it doen't matter.
My newest post is a test-post, so feel free to try out !!

Thanks for your kind attention.

Kind regards, T.W, van Urk
Friday, 04 March 2016 18:43
0 Votes
Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

I've applied that css into this file -> JoomlaFolder/templates/rt_xenon/html/com_easyblog/styles/custom.css , can you give it a check and see is it that caption already disappear on the entry page?
Saturday, 05 March 2016 13:48
0 Votes
Hi T.W, van Urk,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply.

Regarding your issue, I've adjusted the css code to following and now the popup will display the caption correctly.

div#fd.eb .ebd-block .eb-image-caption>span {
display: none !important;

I've modified your test post by adding the caption to your image block. Also, you can find the above code at file 'JOOMLA/templates/rt_xenon/html/com_easyblog/styles/custom.css'.

Hope this help and have a nice day.
Saturday, 05 March 2016 13:59
0 Votes
Hi Arlex and Sam,

A double answer .

Indeed, the thumbnail caption is solved. Thank you !!. However, my wish for a option per image is still actual.

Now I have another question. My images are popup-ed very large!? All my uploaded images have a long size of 750 px, but for now, the pop up images are much bigger. I also cannot change (any more !?) the desired dimensions.

I really don't know of this is a problem related to your css changes, or this is another problem that already existed?
Do you have added only code to the custom css file, or do you have changed something more? Ik think not, so may be this is not related to your solution and a brand new issue for me !?

p.s. Thanks for your compliment Arlex. My site is almost ready. However I have still to do some content updates, SEO work et cetera. When it is finished I let you know!

Kind regards,
T.W. van Urk
Monday, 07 March 2016 01:54
0 Votes
Hey T.W. van Urk,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply,

Thanks for getting back to us that caption stuff already solved.

Regarding with your second image pop up issue, can you check my video here and see is it you referring this :

If yes, currently is not possible to set the pop up dimension from the composer.

Sure, when you update finish with your content and having some other issue, you can start a new thread for your new issue in our forums.
Monday, 07 March 2016 11:55
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