By Sabih on Wednesday, 17 May 2017
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Hey there,

since the Komento component is useless for me for not having synchronization between EasySocial and EasyBlog yet I try to find a solution for this and came up with this idea.
The idea is to have blog stream items to go into the stream anywhere module instead of going into the main stream only. Talking about the stream item that is created when an article is published. I think this should not be hard to do. As far as I understand the stream anywhere module checks for two additional places inside the database if there are information (page title and url). In case there are, the module knows this entry belongs to him and displays the information inside its stream.

Now my objective is to make the blog app put the article url and title into the database. Maybe I am wrong but I think this should be a small task since the blog app already collects these two information but I have no idea where to begin. xD Could you please give me a small hint where to start? If it works as I think, it should be easy to repeat this for additional apps and synchronization should be no problem any longer.

I am aware that this is not a real support question at all and I totally understand a denial of answer to this question but I am trying to find a win-win situation for both sides. This might be a solution and others might be able to use this solution as well since I am afraid that most people did not understand the way the stream anywhere module works at all.
Played around some more and my thoughts have been confirmed. I made a simple stream item inside the main stream and added manually inside the database the pagetitle and anywhere_id (url). This worked. So only thing necessary is to add the page title and url for blog posts into the database at stream item creation of the blog app.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017 18:01
0 Votes
Hm, I am not entirely sure if I am following you here. Are you saying that you want the comments made on an activity stream to be linked on the article instead?

Also, not really sure how is this related to the stream anywhere module? Stream anywhere can simply be placed on the bottom of the article / blog post and it would then be generating an activity stream trail for that particular page.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017 18:05
0 Votes
I try to explain with help of this:

Component = Main stream of EasySocial where all itms are together
Module = Stream anywhere. Shows only posts that have the related database params (page title) and anywhere_id (url)

When I publish a blog article the blog app pushes a new item into the ES component. I want this to be pushed into the module. So that if the item is commented on, the comments will show on the article page as well.
At the moment the blog app pushes the entry to the component and comments on this item will not show on the article page.

To achieve that, I just need the blog app to put pagetitle and url into the right columns inside the database. If the blog app would do so, the item would be automatically bound to the module instead of the component.

I made a screenshot of the database:

You see that the only differences are the url and pagetitle. Probably you know this since you made this.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017 18:21
0 Votes
Hello Sabih,

I believe I have already responded to you in our ticketing system earlier
Friday, 19 May 2017 00:25
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