By Pat Vanden Bosche on Tuesday, 29 October 2013
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According to my dashboard, I still have a license until next year, but when I go to download the latest Joomla 1.5.x version, it takes me back to the dashboard. Is it unavailable to me now? I have my ID as 6094b6b71ea0ebd9aee70a801dbc0cb8, and when I try using the little program inside the Joomla installation, it says Error. Here are the version numbers:

Installed version: 3.0.7796

Latest available version: 3.9.14976

The client is getting all kinds of attacks and it seems part of it is directed to this version of Easy blog.

Pat Vanden Bosche
Thank you, Randall, I appreciate your giving such a great complete answer here. I am sitting in the ICU with my husband who has heart failure and going into pneumonia at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville. I have so little time to give to clients and research answers so I can't tell you how much this response means to me.

Mark, I have asked the client to consider upgrading to 2.5, but so many people think once they have a site, it's there forever. I spend a lot of time educating clients about how software changes, hardware changes, and nothing stays the same. I am working with all my 1.5.x clients on this issue now, but in the meantime I have to get the site working correctly. It is using a ton of bandwidth and is in danger of being taken offline.

Again, hard to work from hospital, but you do what you have to do.

Pat Vanden Bosche
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 01:59
0 Votes
Hello Pat,

Sorry for the late reply. I have installed the latest compatible EasyBlog on your client's site Hope this helps.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013 02:13
0 Votes

I may not know you at all, but as a member of this community, I feel it appropriate to offer you some help to elevate some stress for you.

This Canadian guy is sending some good old Canadian get well prayers your husbands way and your way so that you remain strong during this difficult time so that you can see your husband fully recover from this life challenging ordeal. I got sick earlier this year and a good friend took care of some pressing website issues for me with my Hosting provider and she took the time to fix some other issues for my clients and told them they had to wait until i recovered. I know what stress is when it comes to pressing health matters, and also wanting to do what is best for your clients. Clients will be understanding (or at least should be) when you inform them of the situation, and what you are doing to solve the issues.

Keep envisioning this storm loosing strength and moving away from the coastline. Ok Pat.

Prayers  are very powerful, especially when you believe that someone you love will get well during a challenging time.


If I knew more about what extensions are on your Joomla 1.5 site, I could offer to do some research and then make some suggestions, as to what it would take to do an upgrade, while you focus on the most important issues.- your husband, your well being, and family. Family matters are more important than anything.

I will try to add some Migration Reference links and videos below to save you the time.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 06:57
0 Votes

This Tips and Suggestions Guide will offer you some basic information and reference links that offer up advice and suggestions on how to migrate to Joomla 2.5, or Joomla 3.x.

Sooner or later Extension developers are faced with a decision to stop development of their extensions for Joomla 1.5. It's not an easy decision, but one that has to be made, because as of this date, Joomla 1.5 is no longer supported by the, and they are recommending site developers to upgrade to newer versions of Joomla, such as Joomla 2.5, and Joomla 3.x.

This past week (October 25, 2013, StackIdeas informed EasyBlog customers that they were no longer offering the newest version of EasyBlog 3.9 for the Joomla 1.5 legacy platform, and this means that people using Joomla 1.5 will have to upgrade to take advantage of the newer features offered in EasyBlog 3.9.x and beyond.

Ever since the release of Joomla 2.5, and Joomla 3.0 website developers are left with the task and decision to upgrade their sites and client's sites from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5, or Joomla 3.x. You have two choices:

- Do it yourself buy following some Tutorial Guides available from various people and companies that specialize in Joomla development.

- Pay a Reputable person to do it who understands how to properly migrate from Joomla 1.5, to Joomla 2.5 and then to Joomla 3, if that is what you decide, or what your client wants. As a Best Practice make sure to Do your homework, and ask questions if you are going to pay someone to do this for you. As them for references of their experience doing this process.

Migrating is intimidating if you have never done it before, but if you Do your Homework, and take the time to learn as much as you can about the process, you can migrate your Joomla 1.5 site(s). The goal of this post is to offer up some basic help to those that are challenged with migrating their site or their client's sites.

I used both of these guides below to Migrate a few Joomla 1.5 sites to Joomla 2.5. Please add to this list if you have any Tips and suggestions.


A good article from OS Training - Joomla Tutorials and Blog Posts

How to Migrate Joomla 1.5 to 2.5
January 24, 2012 | Joomla Tutorials | Written by Nick Savov

Nick offers up good information on:

Short Background Information
Before You Get Started
Video on How to Upgrade
Step 1: Backup, Backup, Backup
Step 2: Download jUpgrade
Step 3: Optional - Testing Environment
Step 4: Install jUpgrade
Step 5: Migration
Behind the Scenes
Check Your Joomla 2.5
Backup Joomla 2.5
Overview of the Rest of the Process
Going Live

See the 1st reference link below for access to this article.

This is a second article from OS Training - Joomla Tutorials and Blog Posts

SP Upgrade for Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 Migration
November 09, 2011 | Joomla Tutorials | Written by Ed Andrea

Step 1. Get ready to migrate
Gathering the database information from the original site.
Step 2. Check your J17 installation for MySQLi database installation.
Step 3. Download and install the plugin.
Step 4. Fill in the Database Information
Step 5. Monitor your progress.
Step 6. Get ready to do the "hand work".
The Original Site
After migration
Check for updates

See the 2nd reference link below for access to this article.

Some GOOD OVERVIEW STEP BY STEP VIDEO GUIDES - Migrating from J1.5 to Joomla 2.5

The 3rd reference link below is a series of videos from Jen Kramer - - I wanted to add the video with the playlist here, but I had to add the link because EasyDiscuss does not recognize the playlist link URL from Youtube yet. (Maybe that capability will be added soon!)

Migration to Joomla! 2.5: Installing jUpgrade | tutorial

Wednesday, 30 October 2013 08:38
0 Votes
Thanks for sharing this Randall
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:07
0 Votes

So you figured out why I couldn't see the Eadyblog parent category when I tried to post an Eadyblog Tutorial.

Now why didn't I think of that? And it now makes sense why I can respond or reply, but can't Ask a question because the reason being that my Easyblog subscription was expired. I was scratching my noodle on this one, and the answer was so simple. Renew my subscription.

I've been so focused on EasySocial and JReviews and creating Tutorials that I haven't got around to renewing my subscription yet.

I will have to do so soon so I can create some EasySocial 3.9 tutorials.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:24
0 Votes
Hello Randall,

After some discussions with the manager. The management decided to renew your subscription for you free in exchange of helping us with the documentation What do you think?

Please advise. Thank you.

Apson Chom
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 16:17
0 Votes
Apson wrote:

Hello Randall,
After some discussions with the manager. The management decided to renew your subscription for you free in exchange of helping us with the documentation What do you think?
Please advise. Thank you.
Apson Chom

This is my way to express my sincere appreciation for the StackIdeas Team renewing my EasyBlog subscription.
As Mark would say, "More to come. More to come.

Hope you like it?

Wednesday, 30 October 2013 21:51
0 Votes
Thanks Randall Love the video
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 23:20
0 Votes
Mark wrote:

Thanks Randall Love the video

Your Welcome Mark, (I will upload one with the Powered by Powtoons at the end so you can use it anywhere on your site that you want.)

I'm just getting started: I didn't forget my favorite blogging tool.

Mark and SI Team,

I've been animating ever since I was learned how to walk. So it doesn't take me very long to create these. Back in 1988, I started a small software company, and we designed the first path based computer animation tool for the Macintosh with a small creative team of talented engineers and animator/artists on my team. In 1990 (yes I am as old as dirt) we introduced ADDmotion, a multimedia package that will ran under HyperCard 2.0, and easy to use authoring toolkit for the Macintosh. Many news articles were written up on it. We introduced it at Macworld and we promoted it with live chat talks on America Online to educate people about the benefits of ADDmotion. See this article:

Animation is an excellent way to introduce people to your StackIdeas products.

I'm just getting back into doing some animation again, so look for more to come. I have many ideas on how to promote your StackIdeas products and also the 3rd party developers extensions that integrate with EasySocial and your other extensions.

I'll be creating and adding the following animations in the next day or so.

- Invitex with EasySocial support from TechJoomla
- Quick2Cart with EasySocial support from TechJoomla
- JReviews with EasySocial support from ClickFWD
- CometChat with EasySocial support from TechJoomla
Thursday, 31 October 2013 00:24
0 Votes
Lol, very nice
Thursday, 31 October 2013 01:46
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