By Benoit Gonneville Damme on Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Posted in General Issues
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This is the same question than this post: I wanted to add the following question to the thread but the discussion was locked.

I know this is customization, so I am not asking for direct help, but I am just trying to figure out with the small knowledge I have, how to do what I want to do. Sorry for bothering :s

In the previous discussion, we assigned variables

$this->set('image', $comment->extension->_item->getImage());
$this->set('permalink', $comment->extension->_item->getPermalink());

To be able to call in content.php
<?php echo $image; ?>

I am trying to add the original EB post's category and content to the stream item and I can't find the correct expression to use to call and assigned those variables...

I tried this:

$this->set(title, $comment->extension->_item->getCategory());
$this->set('content', $comment->extension->_item->getContent());

or this

$this->set('category', $item->category);
$this->set('content', $item->content);

and this in the content.php
<?php echo $category; ?>

None of these work. I have just been able to call the title with
<?php echo $comment->contenttitle; ?>

Again, I know this is more a customization then a issue, but if you find time to indicate me the correct expression (or a documentation I could read to understand it myself), I would greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering helping me out!


I would suggest you take a look at the comment object and based on the comment object, get the blog post's id. With the blog post's id, you could retrieve EasyBlog's post object like this,

Thursday, 11 February 2016 01:22
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