By rosario on Saturday, 02 November 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Hello guys ..... would like to propose a question that takes my sleep every day! I'm trying to create a community that supports the 'well-enrollment for 4/5 cities, will make it easysocial to support "tot" recorded? Do you have any advice to give?

Mark informed us in his Easysocial webinar that StackIdeas designed EasySocial to be completely scalable, so you can get a good night sleep tonight knowing it was designed to handle 100 users or 1,000s of users at a time. Mark added AMAZON AWS (cloud storage) for media storage of Photos and Videos and Amazon AWS Architecture is designed to be highly scalable and reliable and this is the method of storage recommended if you believe you will have lots of members uploading photos and videos when video capability is added in v2.0.

Scalability is the ability of EasySocial and Joomla to continue to function well when it (or its context) is changed in size or volume in order to meet a user need. Typically, the rescaling is to a larger size or volume.

What you need to remember is that your website Server that resides with the Hosting provider that you use for hosting your EasySocial community has to be able to handle scalability of a large volume of users. .This is a question for your Hosting Provider to answer.

Ask the Hosting provider if your site usage increases coniserabily over the next year as new members join can they move you to a webserver such as a VPS (virtual private server) that scales to handle volume usage. You want to know you can upgrade as your membership increases. There is no sense to pay the price for a VPS or a Dedicated server until you require one. Start small with room to grow.

So you can now get some sleep knowing you chose the right social community in EasySocial. . It's scalable, and it's going to get better and better each month. Sleep good tonight.
Saturday, 02 November 2013 07:02
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Thanks for sharing Randall
Saturday, 02 November 2013 13:21
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