By Danny on Saturday, 25 January 2014
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I have created a Category with two childcategories. I define parentcategoy show all (public) select on write Blogpost only Administrator.
All Categories was displayed now. Then I define childcategories with same options but now can't guests and users see these Categories. They should see parent and childcategories. I thought, I can use first setting, but also if child categories are public and parentcategory is private, nobody else can see these categories with or without content.

Is there an option to show categories guests and registered but verbose select these categories for registered blogposts?
Greets Danny

P.S. Attacgment shows setting, but guests and users can*t see this catory.
Hello Danny,

I hope I'm getting your right here, do you want to set your categories and sub-categories to be viewed to registered and administrator only, please advice? If you are you could set them Backend > Settings > Categories > Your categories > Category Access and set privacy to view by registered members only.

Hope that helps, thanks:)
Saturday, 25 January 2014 17:34
0 Votes
Hello, thanks reply.
No i want to set my categories and sub-categories to be viewed to guests, registered and administrator...AND only to use for blogpost create to administrator.
Setting for view I have set to guests and setting for use to create blogpost I have set to administrator.
I need a categorie with subcategories on my site to read from guests but only use for administrator.

Regards Danny
Saturday, 25 January 2014 18:53
0 Votes
Hello Danny,

Due to the complexity of the SQL queries, the subcategories with a custom ACL will not be visible because the SQL query is extremely heavy. Hence, we actually disabled that. We're trying to see if we can improvise this by re-structuring the database table for the categories on EasyBlog 4.0
Saturday, 25 January 2014 22:16
0 Votes
Does that mean I can not create categories with subcategories, but then everyone can read and only administrators to write using these? Thus, then either none read the posts of a user group or each entry in this? Then I'll be better to create a forum where I can define the categories very accurately. Too bad, because an administrator blog, which for all to see, would have pleased me better, even to news management.

So then can't users own categories, to show all their posts because each other can use these categories for own posts.
But the categories should then actually belong to the user who created it and everyone can read it if it was defined. Only if the user allows to use its categories for writing, they should also be useful for other users. Please make this possible .

Thank you.

Nice weekend.
Greets Danny
Sunday, 26 January 2014 01:06
0 Votes
Hello Danny,

Hm, you can actually set it to be public because currently it isn't possible to restrict categories by user but we do plan to support this in the future though so that only the user can post into their own category.
Sunday, 26 January 2014 02:07
0 Votes
That would be great, because that makes a community blog system only from. One should give the admin the ability for the whole community or just for yourself to create main categories and categories of users should only provide users belong. It would be nice if you could choose when clicking on a user from the blogger list view his Blogprofile or blogs. Here, then, should his categories and his blogs will appear in the categories. Thank you.
Sunday, 26 January 2014 04:17
0 Votes
Noted, and appreciate your insights on this
Sunday, 26 January 2014 13:34
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