By Richard on Thursday, 21 November 2013
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I have removed the T3 Frameworks and JA Mitius template from my site but noticed there is a folder called t3-assets still in file manager.

There are 2 sub folders, css and dev.

The dev sub folder relates to t3 and Ja Mitius less files but the css folder has loads of files in it with references to Stackideas products I have on the site.

I assume they relate to when I was using your products on the JA Mitius template but just wanted to be sure before I deleted the t3-assets folder with css and dev sub folders.
hey richard,
I'm not using T3 but I guess these files were created while using the t3 template to combine and minify some files. so when you're using a different template now there shouldn't be a problem to delete that folder at all. however, if you want to be 100% sure before deleting you can simply rename the folder first via ftp (so it cannot be found due to the new path), check your site again and when you see that nothing is broken safely delete it.

hope that helps
Thursday, 21 November 2013 03:15
0 Votes
Cheers Alex, thank you for the reply, appreciated.

I moved it to a dormant domain i have and renamed it t3-rubbish, no effect on the site so it seems to be a remnant folder not removed with the t3 plugin uninstall and can be safely deleted.

I am finishing off the upgrade on the default Protostar template (Stackideas products just work anywhere out of the box) and may or may not switch to Helix II if the end product looks and works well.

I agree with Mark that frameworks can complicate things unnecessarily and impact on load times although they can help with development until you work out how to do things.

Joomlart support seems to be in a mess based on their latest blog post, I hope their new proposal sorts it out for them.
Thursday, 21 November 2013 03:36
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well, frameworks have pros and cons for sure. for beginners it might be a good option as there are lots of options you can simply click to get started with a design - at the other hand, as mark said as well, after you have set it up you don't need most stuff of it actually so in terms of performance all the unneeded stuff can slow down the site. personally I'm writing my own templates so I have full control of everything but that's of curse not the best option for everyone

but most important good to hear that you're able to remove it and everything's working
Thursday, 21 November 2013 05:10
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Agree with Alex
Thursday, 21 November 2013 13:37
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