By Michel Gephart on Saturday, 03 February 2018
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I would love for a way to limit Friend invites like you allow Pages. Here are a few ideas:

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually
. Set the amount of friend invites a specific user group can invite to a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly amount to avoid business user groups from harassing users.

Block Invite after Decline. If a user sends 1-2 friend requests to someone and they are denied by that person it would be great if they could no longer send that invite.

Friend Specific User Groups. If we have a community user group and a business user group it would be a nice feature if we could set ACL limits to where a Business user group member could friend with all other business user group members but not community members.

Thanks for listening and keep up the AMAZING work! Love you guys!
Monday, 14 September 2020 09:47
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