By Tom on Saturday, 09 February 2019
Posted in Technical Issues
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When the post is published, the formatting does not appear in the blog home page but does appear when you click the Continue Reading button

In the first post on the site, CHANGES TO THE CANADA PENSION PLAN (CPP) there is no bold or header formatting and the table that is in the post appears as text.

Is there a setting to prevent the blog home page from stripping out the formatting?

the home page i am referring to is If you click on the first post, you will see the article as it is meant to be viewed.

You replied in my former thread:
If you are relying on the automated truncation, unfortunately, it wouldn't be possible. If you would like to retain the format as it is, you should add a read more so that the system doesn't need to perform any truncation.

I don't know what you mean here. I am referring to the formatting like header and table layout. Those don't appear unless you click on the topic to read the entire post. Is it not possible for the post formatting to appear in the blog's home page?

Hi Tom,

What we meant by 'readmore' is basically the separator that separates what is being shown in the post listing or blog home page.

On your editor, you may add a 'readmore' tag by clicking on this button(, and yes this readmore tag will be able to retain all formatting for the content above the 'readmore' tag in the blog home page.
Monday, 11 February 2019 14:16
0 Votes
Yes, Raymond. I understand about the readmore link but what I am surprised at is that the formatting of the post is not there or not available to be viewed on the blog home page and is only viewable if the reader fully opens the blog post.

Why would the formatting not be seen in the intro view? The appearance of the post in plain text lacks interest and does not add to the invitation to read more.
Monday, 11 February 2019 18:54
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Hey Tom,

The reason formatting are stripped from content in the intro view is to prevent cases where truncation ends before HTML closing tags. Having unclosed HTML tags means that the page layout will break.

However, I believe this behavior should not apply to the 'paragraph' type truncation( because the truncation for paragraph type always ends after a closing p tag. This issue has been logged in our tracker so we can investigate further.

Other than that, currently the only way is to add 'readmore' tags to your content at the intro view stopping point to retain the format on the intro view.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 11:43
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