By Mist on Thursday, 30 January 2014
Posted in General Issues
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Hi guys. I am trying to understand the overall specs of the software in order to better shape it for our case scenario.
So, here comed another noob question: How do followers compare to friends in EasySocial ?

From my understanding friends feature is used to allow user to better control the privacy where he can choose to post stuff visible only to his friends.
Followers from other hand is somehow like a public "subscription" to users post.
Followers see all the public content where friends can see the "private" content aswell - the content that user choose to make available only to "friends"

So in our case scenario the "follower" function is more suited since we deal only with public content but we want to build a service where that public content can be sorted on the followed users.

So, can we drop the "friends" functionality and use only the "follower" functionality ?
Hey guys,

The idea that we had was to build a dual social graph system like friends / followers and the ability to configure EasySocial to use the methods that you want or have both in place but Rome wasn't built in a day and we need to do this in stages, otherwise it will take ages before we are even able to release the first version

What we plan to do in the future is to have mentions, suggests , privacy to work on both friends and followers. For example, you could set a privacy where your stream items would only be visible to your followers or people that you follow and also the current friend settings of course but this is a little tricky to have all these privacy in place because there are just so many different variants. Not an easy task, but possible of course.
Thursday, 30 January 2014 15:22
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Right now there is no option to straight up drop the friend function (in this case it appears you want to drop the friends feed). I think there is a mod for this if I recall right.

I'm letting the stacked team finish up ES 1.2 before giving a awesome proposal to better manage the "News Feed". Basically the idea I have is to allow the admin to manage each feed from a list where they can publish, unpublish, create new feeds, who displays in them, what content appears inside of them (from apps or plugins), and default hashtags. ES partially has paved the way for this with the release of ES 1.1 with the introduction of the "add filter" feature for individuals. I plan on making screen shots and showing exactly how it could work. It would make managing "News Feeds" a breeze while creating a lot of flexibility.
Thursday, 30 January 2014 06:38
0 Votes
Yes, i read somewhere on forum that "friends" function is pretty much hardwired into the core. I think we can alway hide the related "friends" stuff from the template itself (ex: add friend button and so on)

We will have the feed but just the "followers" feed.


1. I want to see stuff from all the "network" (hence "public stuff posted by everybody") and be able to sort stuff from the people i followed. ("public stuff posted by people i followed")
2. I don't need friends function, i don't need a 2-way user connection where somebody will add a friend and that friend will approve the friend request. A simple follow will be enough.
3. I use EasySocial like a profiling system and a "user activities log" ... so don;t need the entire overkill of a social network scenario (don't need privacy control for post or stream items, don;t need the ability to post directly on stream, we just keep the stream for user activities ..... and so on)

So, in my case the things are really simple and work great with a simple "follow" scenario (twitter style)
Thursday, 30 January 2014 09:08
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Great, Thanks Mark !
If you guys will build the system to allow us to choose what "social graph" model we want (friend or follower) will be awesome.
There are various usage scenarios for EasySocial and this will be a great benefit !

Thanks for your reply on this !
Thursday, 30 January 2014 20:22
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Thanks for the heads up on this. Yes, that is what we are heading to
Thursday, 30 January 2014 23:41
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