By ssnobben on Tuesday, 23 November 2021
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I would like new EasyBlogs blogs to be able for end users to filter blogs for language(s) by user settings.

Its great that bloggers can make blogs in different languages by blogs settings but it would be good if it works also for the view part when site visitors only want to filter/see blogs for just one or several specific langauge(s) blogs. This would be one great important feature I think.

What you think?

Like a tickbox for what langauges blogs that is installed and you want to see
Hi ssnobben,

The current language system in Joomla uses the language of menu items to distinguish different languages and the same goes for EasyBlog post languages.

With this current system, it is not possible to show several languages at once on a page. Feel free to post this in the feature request section.
Wednesday, 24 November 2021 10:36
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Yes you already show a l l languges at once on a pages on the site bcs there is no filter for just show the languages blogs you want to see and understand to read.

So a l l blogs in all languages is showed Raymond for all users.

So what I mean I think it would be good to connect this especially for EasySocial + EasyBlog special blog setting(s).


The user get a first set up setting for "Preferred blog set up settings" also with an "setting" icon to every blog where he choose:

Languages ( with tick boxes for preferred langauge(s)):

* xxx
* yyy
* vvv

He can must choose one and can then add the one he prefer.

Sorting of blogs:

Drop down:

Latest blogs, most reviews, only featured, most viewed, etc

Then the user can choose his preferred origing language + for example English if he understand English and want to read blogs also in English but not arabic langauge blogs bcs he doesnt understand other langauges then his own language and English.

Why should a multilanguage site with a lot of bloggers from all of the world force users to see all blogs for all langauges on the site when you can make these filter to see only blogs in your own language and maybe English??

Hope this clarifies what I mean and this should be standard in EasyBlog. Period.

Pls let me know if I missunderstood anything about this Ryamond.. thks

Friday, 03 December 2021 17:56
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FYI - for the languages input part.

I think Falang (Stephane) and Stackideas have some discussion to improve the easy translations that can have an impact of how to make this work better too for the imput and hopefully Stephane soon have this on track I know he would like Falang to work with new EasyBlog and also hopefully new EasySocial.

Here you can see how Falang works...
Friday, 03 December 2021 21:23
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Hey ssnobben,
Why should a multilanguage site with a lot of bloggers from all of the world force users to see all blogs for all langauges on the site
With the current multilingual system from Joomla and EasyBlog, you can separate blog posts to show according to the language of the page(/en, /fr, /de etc). Language switcher module can also be used, which allows users to switch the language of the page. With these in place, currently you don't have to force all blogs to show on one page.

On the other hand, the part where you want to setup filters to allow users to select the language/s themselves is something that is not available currently.

Does Falang not work with EasyBlog 6? What about EasyBlog 5.4?
Monday, 06 December 2021 14:10
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For translations I think also this "Speedy translator" is good to have an eye on for future Joomla language translator with active Joomla development.

Speedy translate

It can also work with or without Falang and have many good unique great options.

What you think? Have you tried it do you think it can work well with EasyBlog, EasySocial and EasyDiscuss, Kommento?
Tuesday, 21 December 2021 20:10
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