By Juz on Wednesday, 05 August 2015
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Trying to update to ES 1.3.30 from ES 1.3.29. However the process hangs midway. Refer attachment. Needless to say, help pls.

Note: We have no issues whatsoever with internet connectivity. Running on fibre and previous update was done within minutes. Had a strange feeling about this one from the start;)

Thanks in advance.
Hi Juz,

I just checked your site and it seems like none of the theme from your backend > easysocial > themes is selected as default thus causing the styling issue on your frontend. This issue could be caused by your old easysocial folder is renamed back then to allow newer update of your easysocial.

I have selected "wireframe" as default theme, and your frontend layout is showing correctly now as you can see from my screenshot here,
Thursday, 06 August 2015 15:47
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Hi Juz,

I just checked your site and it seems like it hitting the following error during the installation of easysocial:
-1 Copy file failed 

Can you consult with your webhosting service provider regarding on file permission error issue and see how it goes?
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 18:14
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We have full access to SSH. When I run the steps 1 to 3, it checked the file permissions and everything seemed to run fine. I updated to ES 1.3.29 just 3 days ago and it went without a hitch...and now this. Are you able to let me know which file permission is being blocked? Is it configuration.php? Actually don't know what I would ask my hosting company. AFAIK we've made no changes to file permissions.

Wednesday, 05 August 2015 18:17
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Can we get some help here. I've never face this issue before and I'm not sure which part of the copy process is failing in Step 4 of installation/ update process. We need some specifics. We've never had to go to the hosting provider with any such issues in the past. Frankly, I don't even know what to tell or ask the hosting provider. We have SSH access and fulll control of our hosting instance. So what part do we need to check with hosting company?

Wednesday, 05 August 2015 20:54
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Hey Juz,

Firstly, I don't mean any disrespect but I don't see any reasons at all to post messages like "Can we get some help here", "Can you please urgently check this". We will eventually get to your issue as we are replying and you are not the only person that requires help. We have a great track record for our support and we hardly ever have any responses left unanswered for more than 24 hours unless some strange stuff comes up like our entire office internet was down for 2 straight days :|

Anyways, regarding the permission issue, I believe a couple of files on your /components/com_easysocial/ was modified as a different user and somehow it messes up your permissions. What I did to fix this was to rename the folder /components/com_easysocial/ to /components/com_easysocial.old/ and re-ran the setup process and it worked flawlessly

Cheers and Thank you for understanding!
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 23:55
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the awesome support & team you have here.

Although the issue is not resolved and probably worsened. Now the dashboard is all jumbled up. Pls. refer the attachment. Looks like the recent update has done something to the entire ES implementation on site. We can't see the stream or any other items. All wireframe/ theme gone. Perhaps now we'll have to go through the difficult process of restoring the site back to ES 1.3.29, unless we can work together to identify some way to fix what has happened here.

Appreciate your understanding. I know there are several users whom your team supports and my previous post was simply meant to seek clarification on that "file permission issue on server (as highlighted by support)", as this has never happened in the past. Will learn from it. Although the files that you refer to being modified were done by support team to address another support query.

Now I wonder if any file modifications are leading to upgrade issues and how we'll detect it, prevent it, and resolve it in future. Looking back, If we were to resolve this issue ourselves what would you suggest we do to catch this specific error? Would Backend->Global Configuration->Server->Error reporting = Maximum have done it? We tried but did not see the error initially so reset to default setting.

In my personal opinion, perhaps the broader issue of "file modification by a different user causing upgrade problems" needs to be investigated further and addressed if necessary. Many of us provide our site credentials for issue resolution (I've created an account specific for support issue resolution), and if that is going to cause any bottlenecks in future then perhaps we spend some more time to understand the impact.

Thursday, 06 August 2015 07:27
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