By Gavin G on Monday, 17 December 2012
Posted in General Issues
Replies 2
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I'd like to make a suggestion about the use of Replies and Comments.

I don't understand why we currently have a "Comment this post" button on the main post. Surely any replies to the main post should be set out as Replies underneath, and the "Comment this post" button should only show on Replies.

I would suggest this button is removed from the main posts and replaced with the green "Add a Reply" button that is currently at the top of the page underneath the toolbar. Right now, if you read a long post and wish to reply to it, you either have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page after any other replies, of which there could be many, or you must scroll back to the top of the page to find the green Reply button.
I know this is an old issue, but is there a way that any of the modules show also the last comments? Actually only the last replies can be shown in a module.

If you comment on any post, nobody will notice it until you open it and go through it from top to bottom - or am I missing something?
Thursday, 07 November 2013 14:01
0 Votes
Hello Tim P.K,

Sorry for late reply to this,
We are really appreciate with your opinion, unfortunately we don't have that modules show for last comments in currently now. But i will add this feature in our next release request feature list and see how it goes.
Sorry for inconvenience to you.

Best Regards
Thursday, 07 November 2013 16:46
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