By pilu on Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Posted in Pre Sales
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This is a fantastic product you have built. Many congrats.
Before taking a "plunge" please let me know :

1. Can Easyblog post excerpts (with titles) from multiple users be shown in the main Activity stream so that users can comment to those and Like those from the stream itself to the main posts? I do not see such thing in the demo - so asking. If its not there, any expected time for this?

2. Does Easysocial support or will soon support Microformat and Activitystreams ? [ please see details here: ]

3. Support for comment image - from which version it will start?

I will be more interested in the Microformat and support or inbuilt plugin/app for this asap.

Thanks a lot for your helpful answers.
Hi Pilu,

1. Can Easyblog post excerpts (with titles) from multiple users be shown in the main Activity stream so that users can comment to those and Like those from the stream itself to the main posts? I do not see such thing in the demo - so asking. If its not there, any expected time for this?
I apologize as I assume that you're referring to EasyBlog new post stream in the EasySocial dashboard. EasySocial does have blog apps for retrieving and displaying the new blog post stream in EasySocial. You can comments and like the stream.

2. Does Easysocial support or will soon support Microformat and Activitystreams ? [ please see details here: ]
I am not sure what do you mean by this. Can you please explain more so that we can understand better.

3. Support for comment image - from which version it will start?
I unable to tell you in which version this comment image will be included. I am sorry for this.

Have a nice day.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 17:43
0 Votes
Hi Mohd Yasser

Thanks for your fast response.
1. Can you kindly point me to a demo site or a site using Easysocial that does this ? I mean I can comment and Like in the steam and it will show up in the actual blog post page like 'Notes'. Please help.
2. Did you see ? Microformat, Webmentions and Activitystreams are getting supported by the most current Social sites. Soon scripts / softwares / sites without this support will slowly die or will adopt this. You can see how is using this. You will love to use it in Easysocial
3. If comment image is not supported how do users from other scripts migrate to you - I am saying this as comment image is supported by all social platform, php scripts, php cms or php social nets.

Thanks again. I will be very grateful if you can 'ping' the Devs about Microformat/Webmention and comment image. Have a nice day.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 19:17
0 Votes
you can refer at
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 01:42
0 Votes
Hi Pilu,

Thanks for the response. Regarding your inquiry:
1. Can you kindly point me to a demo site or a site using Easysocial that does this ? I mean I can comment and Like in the steam and it will show up in the actual blog post page like 'Notes'. Please help.
I believe this feature is not available yet in EasySocial and EasyBlog. I am so sorry.

2. Did you see ? Microformat, Webmentions and Activitystreams are getting supported by the most current Social sites. Soon scripts / softwares / sites without this support will slowly die or will adopt this. You can see how is using this. You will love to use it in Easysocial
Thanks for your clarification. Currently we do not implement this yet in our product, and yet it is quite interesting idea. Thanks for the suggestion. I will forward this to our developers for them to discuss. In the mean time, can you voice this out this interesting ideas here: .

3. If comment image is not supported how do users from other scripts migrate to you - I am saying this as comment image is supported by all social platform, php scripts, php cms or php social nets.
Actually we do have plan to include this in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.

Have a nice day.
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 02:05
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