By muhanad on Sunday, 03 November 2013
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Dear Stackideas,

I'm thinking of moving to easydiscuss since in future im moving to easysocial from jomsocial and i know the integration between your components will be flawless ..

my questions at this moment

1- jreview allows everyone to add media to a listing ( topic) and not only the author .. it's beneficial if your using easydiscuss for collaboration between members where they can upload videos, photos and notes to the same post ( not thru reply only ) and that makes it easier for people to centerlize where the files are .. does easydiscuss has this feature?

2- is easydiscuss integrated with jomsocial notification center .. i know it has its own notification but since we are currently using josmcoail .. its important to have it .. . if its not implemented, are you planning to add it cuz i know you are working on a new version to tie it with easysocial

Hello Muhanad,

Thanks for your interest in EasyDiscuss. Please find the answers to your inquiries below:

1- jreview allows everyone to add media to a listing ( topic) and not only the author .. it's beneficial if your using easydiscuss for collaboration between members where they can upload videos, photos and notes to the same post ( not thru reply only ) and that makes it easier for people to centerlize where the files are .. does easydiscuss has this feature?

Hm, not entirely sure if I understand you here. Would you mind elaborating more on this?

2- is easydiscuss integrated with jomsocial notification center .. i know it has its own notification but since we are currently using josmcoail .. its important to have it .. . if its not implemented, are you planning to add it cuz i know you are working on a new version to tie it with easysocial

Sorry, but we don't actually have this currently In the next version, the notification integrations will be added for EasySocial though.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 13:02
0 Votes
Hello Mark,

1- Please find the attached screen which explains the point im trying to make. in jreviews if

A created a listing
B can add media to this listing
it helps to gather all media ( notes, documents .. etc ) in one place. this is essential if easydiscuss is used as collaboration tool.
Imagine asking people to help me in a research or a project. if i want to find the notes they attach, i need to check every reply instead of just finding them there attached to the request topic.

2- are you dropping jomsocial support or not going to move on and add new stuff. i know you have ur own extensions now but easyblog supports the notifications of jomsocial .. why not easydiscuss .... im not ready to jump to easysocial yet .. please consider adding this feature which i know it will only take you couple of hours to implement ..
don't leave us there hanging .. im moving to easysocial but im waiting for the right time ..
Anyways im buying easydiscuss today and this way, im only left with easysocial to compelete my stackideas package

Tuesday, 05 November 2013 02:18
0 Votes
Hello Muhanad,

Ah, okay I understand about the media part now As for JomSocial notification support, we do have plans to add this in EasyDiscuss but it will only probably come in EasyDiscuss 3.3 or later The reason for not adding them is not because we have our own products but we have a timeline to meet and we didn't initially planned to add notifications for EasySocial either but coincidentally, it only took me 5 minutes to add them
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 02:39
0 Votes
:P ur bragging now mark that easysocial makes it easier to integrate stuff

Then what about the media thingi .. is it possible/impossible .. ? what are your thoughts ?
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 02:47
0 Votes
Haha, really I am not bragging and it's simply because when we built this beast, we have already thought over and about 70% of the future integrations. As for the media functionality, I don't think we can include this in 3.2 as we are already feature freezing 3.2 and a beta will be unleashed really soon

3.2 doesn't only include EasySocial integrations but there's quite a number of optimizations and new features as well.
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 03:03
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