By Christopher Ambler on Tuesday, 03 November 2020
Posted in Technical Issues
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When changing the description of a category, the new text is persistent, but the description in #__easyblog_meta does not seem to update.
Hi Christopher,

The system detects that if there is already a description set in the meta table, it will not override it. This is because the meta data can be manually configured in SEO>Category.
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 13:38
0 Votes
Yes, but my entry in SEO->Category is empty.

Thus, a change in an actual category should update meta, as there's nothing to overwrite. As such, now, I can *never* change a category after first setting it. Ever.

Clearly that's a bug.
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 13:42
0 Votes
Hey Christopher,

I could not reproduce your issue where the empty category meta is not updated. Can you walk me through the steps to reproduce it again?

1. Create a new category without a description. This will create a new category meta entry with an empty description.
2. Edit the category and add a description.
3. Check SEO->Category and the description from step 2 is added.
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 14:05
0 Votes
Ah, specific category - yes, if that has data, you don't update meta.

I didn't even KNOW that there were specific categories in meta. If so, why have the description in the category menu at all?! Once set, you can't unset it for metadata unless you first go into SEO and clear the entry that one never wanted in the first place.

To change meta, and keep it consistent with the category description, you now make me edit them separately. I'd much rather edit them in ONE place (category, not SEO) and keep them in sync rather than double my work.

How about an option to update meta when updating category description? Setting it to "on" would save TONS of time for sites with lots of categories.
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 14:13
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Hey Christopher,
why have the description in the category menu at all?!
If you are referring to the menu item for single category, not every site may create menu items for their blog categories, so the only other way to configure the SEO for them individually is through the SEO section.

I will log this in our tracker so that updating categories will also update the meta accordingly.
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 16:16
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