By Michael Leavitt on Wednesday, 06 November 2013
Posted in Technical Issues
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Tech Support:
Can you explain to me how the hit counter works. When I post a blog it immediately shows 17 or more hits. This should be an impossibility and I was wondering how it actually works. Does it keep a log to see who has seen the blog entry? Is there a default to change how many hits are immediately shown. Are there any settings that deal with this?
Thanks for any info!
Michael Leavitt - Orem, Utah - - Michael Leavitt & Co Inspections, Inc.
Hello Michael,

Sorry for the late reply. The hit counter basically tracks the amount of times people visit the page. We have 2 types of tracking as you can see from the backend settings (available in backend -> EasyBlog -> Settings -> Workflow -> General at the "IP Address & Session Tracking" option)

1. IP Address & Session Tracking set to YES
>> This actually is dependant on the Joomla session table. When this is set to YES, any users who visit your site can view the blog multiple times and the hits recorded will be 1. This is of course dependent on how long the Joomla session is kept.

2 IP Address & Session Trackingset to NO
>> This will record the hits regardless of whether the using has visited this page before.

Hope this helps.

Thursday, 07 November 2013 00:42
0 Votes
Okay, that was helpful but now I need further clarification. By default it was set to “yes” which means that it is a 1 time per ISP visit per session. I get that, but I do not understand how I can post my blog entry and immediately have the hit counter be at 17 or more. Nobody even knew it existed and within nano-seconds 17 people have visited the entry.... I don’t think so!
Can you explain this?
Michael Leavitt - Orem, Utah - - Michael Leavitt & Co Inspections, Inc.
Thursday, 07 November 2013 03:43
0 Votes
Hello Michael,

Sorry for the late reply. Ah I did forget to mention that the hits are also recorded when crawlers visit your page and this includes Google Spider bots, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and so on Hope this clears things up.

Thursday, 07 November 2013 18:38
0 Votes
Hi Adelene

Surely everyone must have wrong hit counts then? As surely Google etc crawl all sites. So your hit counter is never correct? Also the googlebots etc cannot have found and crawled Michael's site within seconds of him posting, surely?

Do you have any other information on getting a correct hit count? We have IP and Session Tracking to Yes, we don't autopost and also have hit counts that are too high to be realistic.

Thursday, 23 January 2014 21:37
0 Votes
Hello Emma,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply. Yes, there is no way to identify every single crawler that is available on the internet. Not to mention that Google / Facebook / Yahoo has tons of different crawlers that crawls websites. There is no "exact" way to get hit counts even on Google Analytics it's probably only 90% accurate unless they have some sort of mechanism to smartly detect unknown crawlers.

The hits that is used in EasyBlog uses the same methodology as your Joomla articles.
Thursday, 30 January 2014 00:06
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