By Ulysses Gonzalez on Friday, 08 February 2019
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Wishing to Use Specified Menu Id:

Steps would be to specify the menu id; which I use the homepage (default). Then the default page is EasyBlog Frontpage, but I also have modules for the homepage, since it's the homepage there are other things going on....

Looking to achieve this:

At this moment, it's more like:

Are there any workarounds for using the homepage default in order to have clean url's without having what was originally setup on the homepage?

Under modules, it's set for only homepage under menu assignments; so I am guessing that since we are using the home url it is transitioning over to the posts as well; which then places the posts all the way at the bottom after all the modules from the original homepage are up.
Nope, unfortunately there is no work around for this because when there is no menu alias, Joomla thinks that you are trying to access a view that is part of the home page and Joomla would then render the modules that are associated with your home page.

This is not a limitation within EasySocial but it's just the way the CMS works.
Saturday, 09 February 2019 15:45
0 Votes
I think I understand, Mark..

That being said, is there any way to structure the URLs, without running into the issue of creating the homepage; as frontpage and having all of the modules associated with the homepage funnel over to the blog posts?

Perhaps, when we create the blog posts, we can then connect it to an individual menu item. As taxing as that can be with having to do this for every blog post, it seems like the only option.

If so, then is there any way to not have the blog post have two links; as I find doing what I just mentioned the post is assessable via;

The only way I was able to not have the two was to not create category menu items; however, having them is a good way to sort them. So this wouldn't necessarily be an option.
Sunday, 10 February 2019 17:32
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Hi Ulysses,

As Mark mention above, unfortunately there is no work around for this as this is how Joomla works
Monday, 11 February 2019 16:40
0 Votes
I think that htaccess with rewrite url rules can work for you.
Monday, 11 February 2019 18:46
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Hm, I am not sure how rewrite rules are being able to help but in my opinion, it would be too insane to manage each URL separately :x

Even if you did manage to accomplish this per menu -> post basis, what happens when a title changes? It's going to be too insane.
Monday, 11 February 2019 22:47
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Hm, I am not sure how rewrite rules are being able to help but in my opinion, it would be too insane to manage each URL separately: x

Appreciate the tips Chaon, but Mark is correct. Could you imagine if a site had hundreds of posts, all being redirected on the backend.. Could be a bit chaotic to manage, but you are right that is one way of doing it.. I just don't want to lose my hair over it.

Even if you did manage to accomplish this per menu -> post basis, what happens when a title changes? It's going to be too insane.

Not sure what you mean Mark. As of now, my workaround consisted of creating individual menu items as single posts. This is, of course, a taxing process; as well.. Compared to simply posting and moving forward, but it does keep the permalinks looking clean and pretty....

I did set up canonical's for them and using a sitemap to generate everything, so after testing with everything mentioned it seems to work just find. There are no duplicate URL's displaying in the eyes of ole mighty google or any program..

Perhaps, we don't even need to place a canonical for each of them, but I just like to do it for best practice..

And by the way, Mark.. After some work on the backend I can understand what you mean about playing nice with core Joomla. Above all, you should know that I am a total Stackideas Fan!.. -Keep up the Great Work over there!
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 12:34
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Yeah, the only painful part about this is having to update the menu for every post you have. Anyway, if you are comfortable with that, I guess that would be suitable for you
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 17:06
0 Votes
I guess it's the price we will have to pay to retain the short and pretty permalink..
thanks for your help.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 17:51
0 Votes
No problem
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 17:56
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