By Michael Leavitt on Monday, 11 November 2013
Posted in Technical Issues
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I went to my EB Admin autoposting settings today and found out my token had expired. I realize that tokens are only good for 60 days, but isn’t there a way that EasyBlog can alert me when this happens instead of me having to finally realize that my posts are not showing up in Facebook? You know, something blatant, like an email to the Administrator (Me), or a red alert when I go to the Administrator dashboard.
So I opened the autoposting settings page and renewed my token and EasyBlog indicates that I did something right but that it expires on November 10, 2013 (See attached screenshot). Is that a typo on your part? Is it really expiring on the same say I renewed? Did my token really not renew? Will the autoposting to Facebook work now? Can you please explain to me how I should proceed forward?
Thanks in advance!
Michael Leavitt - Orem, Utah - - Michael Leavitt & Co Inspections, Inc.
Hello Michael Leavitt,

Sorry for late reply to this and bring this inconvenience to you, i will send this feature in our next release request feature list.

This is a common issue with Facebook. Actually I'm not sure why it happens but you can do 2 things here:

1. Delete from App centre
- Login Facebook
- Go to your App Centre
- Go to Your Apps
- Locate the autoposting app and delete it
- Revoke access in EasyBlog Autoposting setting and sign in again

If the date remains the same then you will have to

2 - create a new app for the autoposting.

Please let us know if you need further assistance. Could you mind provide us your Joomla backend and facebook access so we can help you check on this issues.

Best Regards
Monday, 11 November 2013 10:35
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Hello Michael.

Sorry for the late reply. This is a common issue with Facebook. Actually I'm not sure why it happens but you can do 2 things here:

1. Delete from App centre
- Login Facebook
- Go to your App Centre
- Go to Your Apps
- Locate the autoposting app and delete it
- Revoke access in Backend > Component > EasyBlog > Autoposting > standard setting > Click "Sign in Facebook"

If the date remains the same then you will have to

2 - create a new app for the autoposting.

Hope this helps.

Monday, 11 November 2013 10:42
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