By Adam Overby on Sunday, 22 December 2013
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It wont let me put this in the Easyblog category, but this is why I get frustrated with easyblog. It magically does things I don't want it to do, never asked it do, and have no idea why it does this. I have NOT I REPEAT NOT COPIED AND PASTED ANYTHING INTO THIS blog post and I am going to show you with screen shots what I am talking about. Some of things I have already corrected manually by myself, but this is a process or project that I should never have to do when creating a blog post with a blog engine, and I have to do it every time with EASYBLOG. I used to just accept it as not knowing what the hell I am doing, but the more and more I use it the more and more I feel like someone half assed the coding of this program. I am taking this to you in private instead of social media or joomla extensions reviews because you have always always always always given me top notch customer support and I feel out of respect you deserve a chance at rectifying this instead of being backstabbed on a public review site.

So lets begin:

Problem #1 -
Problem #2-
Problem #3-
Problem #4-

Now these are not major problems only because they are fixable if I spend the time to do so, but when I take 3 hours to write a post the last thing I want to do is spend another 30 minutes fixing magical easyblog formatting problems. And on this particular post I spent 4 hours yesterday researching & writing and 45 minutes fixing obnoxiously dumb things like this. Today I spent 3 hours researching and writing and have arleady spent 20 minutes fixing obnoxious formatting bugs and probably have another 20 minutes to go. Plus I have another 12 categories to cover so at this rate I will have 8 hours of writing and reserach and another 2 hours of fixing obnoxious easygblog formatting bugs. Thats a problem.


Hello Adam,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here. I believe the issue that you are facing here is more of an annoyance of the editor that you are currently using. I too experience similar problems especially with TINYMCE (The editor that is shipped with Joomla by default). EasyBlog allows you to use any editor that you want as long as the editor is installed on your Joomla site. Have you tried using a different editor? For instance JCE, RedactorJS or any other editors?

I believe you can reproduce this similar issue when you are writing the normal articles on Joomla using the same editor.
Sunday, 22 December 2013 19:38
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