By GM on Friday, 10 January 2014
Posted in Pre Sales
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I am considering easy blog renewal, but i think there are 2 important notes which are required

A) There are some Blog Articles, which are evergreen. So is it possible to hide date & time at time of creation of some specific blog posts or at later stage
Idea is to create a category - wherein all evergreen articles can be stored without date & time line . Even if a user is searching on after 2 yrs - the article will still hold its relevance

B) Determine at back-end about number of comments to display in every blog post. Like there is a blog wherein we have 45 comments and other has 120 comments
Now in 45 comments one - we want all of them to show in one single pages and in 120 comments to follow regular joomla pagination of 20 comments in 6 pages

If its not possible - do you see any relevance in updating these in coming version., if yes then when can we expect these to be a part of release - if they require small changes
I would be keen on to take up renewal post your confirmation on above
Hello Gagan,

Thank you for writing in. About your request, I am afraid it is not possible as it requires some hacks Currently our developers are busy with development work and they are not able to attend to hacks or customization

Thank you. We hope that you understand.

Apson Chom
Friday, 10 January 2014 14:58
0 Votes
You have not read my question in complete
Let me split them for you:-

> do you see any relevance in updating these in coming version
> if yes then when can we expect these to be a part of release - if they require small changes

I think that these changes can be useful not only for me, but for all users
I am not demanding any personal hack of codes - but to incorporate these features - if found relevant. & if its relevant and does not take time - can you extend them in your forthcoming version
Friday, 10 January 2014 22:06
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Hello Gagan,

I am sorry but these are actually not our plans for EasyBlog 4.0 but we'll see how is the progress and if it makes sense to actually add them in 4.0
Friday, 10 January 2014 22:12
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